Scarborough: Economically, Trump Doesn’t Come Close to the Biden-Harris Record

6 hours ago

SCARBOROUGH: “The federal deficit higher than ever before. The federal debt higher than ever before. Donald Trump broke records. You know, Donald Trump over his four years raised the federal debt more than Bill Clinton in his eight years in office, George H.W. Bush, his four years in office, Jimmy Carter’s four years in office, and Gerald Ford’s two years in office. He raised the federal debt more in 4 years than those presidents raised it over 18 years. I mean, you could go down one marker after another economically, and Donald Trump doesn’t — doesn’t come close to the record of the Biden-Harris Administration. So if you’re a capitalist, if you believe in free markets, if you believe in a strong stock market, a strong job market, a strong economy, really the answer’s pretty simple. You don’t want Donald Trump back in the White House. And yet, and yet, it’s almost like they watch cable news channels every day that fill their head with propaganda. And they’re just not strong enough to change the channel. Not just smart enough to resist the lies or the disinformation or — or — or to go off, to go off a website that — that is just spouting constant lies. I mean, the numbers, the economic numbers are undeniable. And — and —“
BRZEZINSKI: “I know, the facts are undeniable, but —“
SCARBOROUGH: “Yeah. Yeah.”
BRZEZINSKI: “I think you made a good point there.”

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