What the Government isn’t telling you about facial recognition

4 months ago

Join the fight to roll back live facial recognition cameras in the UK and give legal support to people falsely flagged as criminals: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/stop-...

In recent months, the Met Police has increased live facial recognition snooping on the public by 1,000% - and it's still expanding. Meanwhile, the Government is putting all of our passport photos in a giant facial recognition database - and shops are putting live facial recognition cameras on doorways, checking shoppers' identities.

By putting these cameras on our high streets, we're all being treated like suspects in a digital police line-up, with our photos taken for repeated identity checks - often without us even realising it.

It also puts us all at risk of misidentifications and false accusations - and we can't let this happen.

We now stand ready to support the first legal action in Europe on behalf of innocent members of the public who were wrongly accused of being criminals in public following facial recognition alerts.

This won't be easy - and we can't do it without your support.

If you want to support our work fighting for a freer future, please join us: https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/join/now/

Documentary directed & edited by Erlend Evans, Big Brother Watch Communications Manager.

music: "end of an era" by ‪VictoryOverDeath2‬

Music from #InAudio: https://inaudio.org/
Track Name: Dreamscape Deep Ambient (No Copyright Music) by MokkaMusic / Lunar Lullaby

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VIDEO AND TEXT SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhLEhmhWYsw

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