The Academics of Freedom w/ Philip Van Cleave & Alga Evans - GunFreedomRadio EP402

5 months ago

Our guests today are Philip Van Cleave, who has been the President of the Virginia Citizens Defense League since 2001. And Alga Evans, the Student Engagement Director for VCDL Academy.

1) What is the VCDL Academy?

2) Young adults (colleges, universities, and high school) and the next generations will take their turn at steering the wheel of this nation, how do we reach them and encourage them to protect their right to keep and bear arms?

3) The Second Amendment is a non-political issue. However, nowadays politics play a huge role in both destroying and protecting our Bill of Rights. How do we use politics for good?

4) What is Practical Politics and who is it aimed at?

5) How do people support VCDL Academy and follow the work of the VCDL?

Originally Aired: 5.15.23

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