Book Launch: The Dark Side of Spiritual Healers, Teachers, and Lightworkers

6 months ago

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Psychic Protection Sanctuary with Maya Zahira ~ Help for Psychic Attack

Purchase Maya’s books on Amazon.

The Psychic Attack Sourcebook: Understanding and Surviving the Unimaginable by Maya Zahira

Darkness Disguised as Light: The Hidden Truth About Psychic Protection and the Illusion Matrix by Maya Zahira

The Dark Side of Spiritual Healers, Teachers, and Lightworkers: Abusive, Predatory, and Supernatural Behaviors Behind the Façade of Love and Light by Maya Zahira

Thanks for watching!

P.S. Want to work with Maya Zahira? Join Maya’s monthly group program--Spiritual Empowerment Academy--where you can learn to strengthen your psychic gifts and intuitive discernment and bring your spiritual protection skills to the next level.

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