Scarborough: If You Believe in American Capitalism, You Should Be Worried About Trump Becoming President

1 month ago

SCARBOROUGH: “This argument that was made yesterday by an economic Reporter, don’t worry about the insurrection, worry instead about tax code and I think regulations. It really — that underlines a point that I’ve made on this show before that I’m going to make again. If you’re a capitalist, if you believe in American capitalism, as I believe in American capitalism, unapologetically believe in American capitalism, it has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever. It has its problems. The sharp edges always need to be rounded off where it doesn’t get in the way of competition and free markets. But if you believe in American capitalism, you should be worried about Donald Trump being elected. We always talk about democracy, we always talk about democracy, Madisonian democracy under threat, because Madisonian democracy is under threat, but American capitalism also under threat, because I will tell you, I grew up a conservative, I know you didn’t, but what we conservatives believe is in less government, less power concentrated the imperial presidency, less power concentrated in Washington, D.C.. And here you have Donald Trump saying, I’m going to take all the power into my office. I’m going to control the Fed. I’m going to control the FCC. I’m going to control the Justice Department. I’m going to control everything that I can control within the Oval Office. That is the antithesis of Madisonian democracy. That is the antithesis of checks and balances as laid out in the United States Constitution. And what that should do is worry CEOs, that should worry entrepreneurs, that should worry capitalists —“
BRZEZINSKI: “Republicans.”
SCARBOROUGH: “— because that’s what you get in corrupt nations, where you have a strong man who picks winners and losers. That’s when competition, that’s when the free market, that’s when the invisible hand is slapped by the autocrat running the state. And that’s when capitalism loses.”

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