Genocidal Bill Gates Visits Genocidal Ahmed | Birds of a Feather Flock Together

1 month ago

So, the heathen slaves of Lucifer Killed PM Meles Zenawi and Patriarch Abuna Paulos of Ethiopia , during the London Olympics in 2012, because they planned the ongoing Genocide. PM Meles and Patriarch Paulos are natives of Aksumite Ethiopia. Meles Zenawi could be a good hope for Ethiopia in a way that many do not deserve – he did not accept GMO, NGO, the vaccine, the Arab Muslims. He declined to evict or kill those Praying and Meditating Fathers from the Holy Mountarins of Zion who together with The Ark of The Covenant have the power stir up storms/hurricanes from their monasteries in northern Ethiopia. Meles Zenawi built the Renaissance and other dams. So, they killed Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (Bill Gates was at the funeral, on September 2, 2012 in Addis Ababa), the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Patriarch, His Holiness Abune Paulus, the President of Ghana, Ata Mills, the President of Malawi, Bingu Wa Mutharikia, and the President of Guinea-Bissau, Malam Bakay Sanha. They killed them all in one season in the name of Lucifer to the pagan god Dionysus. Let's remember President Donald Trump's later speech advocating for Egypt and the Arabs.

😕 Imagine Bill Gates and Co. Traveling today to Moscow to meet President Putin. Putin has done nothing in comparison to the most evil demonic individual of all, Abiy Ahmed Ali. So, Bill Gates and Co are telling him: "We massacred two million Christians, and we will visit you, we will praise you, we will reward you because you are with us to finish up and weaken the rest with GMO, vaccines and chemicals! Well done! Let us rejoice now in the name of Lucifer!" The fact that all the leaders and elites of the Edomites and Ishmaelite worlds have embraced this barbaric Gala-Oromo so much, without any morals, accountability and so on proves us that all those hypocritical nations are 100% Ruled by Satan and Its 'Human' Agents. Aye! They think so! They will face God's Judgment soon.

❖[1 Peter 4:17 ]❖
“For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

❖[2 Corinthians 5:10]❖
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”

☪ The Union of Ishmael and Esau that is shaking the world continues!
❖ People of the flesh are united in persecuting those of the spirit!

👉 From November 2020 till today:

❖ 2 Million Orthodox Christians were Brutally Massacred
❖ 200.000 Orthodox Christian children, Women, even nuns were raped and abused
❖ Over a Million female Ethiopian slaves were sold to Arab countries
❖ up to 20 Million Ethiopians are Starved

by the fascist Muslim-Protestant Oromo army of PM AbiyAhmed Ali and his Arab, Israeli, Turkish, Iranian, European, American, Russian, Ukrainian, African allies.

👉 As Congressman Brad Sherman rightfully put it, much of the world barely noticed the war that tore Ethiopia apart between 2020 and 2022, causing innumerable atrocities and millions of deaths of ancient Orthodox Christians (The guardians of The Ark of The covenant). It featured rampages of murder and rape against civilians even deadlier than those Hamas perpetrated on October 7. It saw the bombing of cities, churches, monasteries, schools, hospitals, water infrastructure, flour mills, and the deliberate starving of civilians.

😈 Epstein and Gates Targeted Ethiopian Children For ‘Disturbing’ Medical Experiments

😈 ባለ ኃብቶቹ ጄፍሪ ኤፕሽታይን እና ቢል ጌትስ ያነጣጠሩ በኢትዮጵያ ሕፃናት ላይ ያነጣጠሩ

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