Chinese state-sponsored hackers have used a critical zero-day vulnerability to infiltrate and infect

5 months ago

中共国国家支持的黑客利用一个关键的零日漏洞渗透并感染了美国的互联网公司和服务提供商。流明科技(Lumen Technologies)的网络安全专家说,这次复杂的攻击是 “伏特台风 ”组织所为,其目的是破坏美国的关键基础设施,窃取凭证,并可能在未来的冲突中破坏美国的军事能力,尤其是涉及台湾的冲突。
Chinese state-sponsored hackers have used a critical zero-day vulnerability to infiltrate and infect American internet companies and service providers. Cybersecurity experts with Lumen Technologies said the sophisticated attack is attributed to the group “Volt Typhoon” and aims to compromise critical U.S. infrastructure, steal credentials, and potentially disrupt U.S. military capabilities in future conflicts, particularly concerning Taiwan.

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