Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Ep143 - Bird With Broken Wings / We Have Your Wife (No Commentary)

6 months ago

I wonder what interesting stuff could have been pulled from the Black Sapphire braindance if the developers had expanded on it and let the player use editing mode.

Could have been a way to keep Judy from leaving Night City so soon given her experience with XBDs. And with the work V, Songbird, Reed and Alex are up to in Dogtown, pulling potential clues from a braindance that could help them against Hansen would have made sense.

In any case, we're finally free of the Black Sapphire and can enjoy some quick and dirty side jobs until Reed needs us again.

0:00 Start
1:20 Drive back to Watson
6:50 A gift from Alex
7:15 Housekeeping
14:10 Back out on the road
15:45 Gig: We Have Your Wife
24:26 End

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