China's August Manufacturing and Housing Data Deteriorate Further

6 hours ago

09/01/2024 Bloomberg TV: China's August economic data showed no surprising downside, such as manufacturing PMI, and construction sub-index, as well as home sales, which suggests that China’s economic activities are slowing down. Even though some cities have relaxed or scrapped new home price guidelines, and developers give big discounts for buyers, some home buyers are staying on the sidelines waiting for prices to bottom out.
#PMI #EconomicSlowdown #Housing #GovernmentSpending
09/01/2024 彭博视讯:中国8月的经济数据显示,制造业采购经理人指数、建筑业分类指数以及房屋销售等下行趋势并不出人意料,这表明中国的经济活动正在放缓。尽管一些城市已经放宽或取消了新房价格指南,并且开发商为买家提供了很大的折扣,但一些购房者仍在观望,等待价格触底。
#采购经理指数 #经济放缓 #房地产 #政府支出

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