Mars Cafe #63: "Dream Scenario"

3 months ago

"Everyone dies, but were any of us ever actually alive?" -Sir William Braveheart

Welcome to the FINAL EPISODE... of Phase Four!! (Except for the bonus chapter of "Module 63-B" that will shortly follow.)

In our Reality, Russia is sending nukes over to Lukashenko in Minsk, so it only makes sense that an alternate version of America would send one to Mars. That's how a Cold War works! It's science!

Troubled by night terrors, Sheriff Bill returns to Policia HQ to analyze the mysterious American warhead he recovered in the Martian desert, while the mighty Space-Byron pursues the fugitive pimp called Foy Pongu (and finds romance along the way).

Just in time for breakfast, Tiffany Filch adds herself to the Research Team, but not without ruffling a small feather or two. Sparks fly as the world comes to an end, and Emory Bunny finds that his leadership skills may not be enough to save the day...

This episode's educational topics include: Teamwork, Methodology, Communication, and Unwanted Attention.

Chapter Breakdown:

00:01 Nightmare Trouble
01:21 Rescue Flashback
02:45 Toxic Chemicals/Walk of Shame
03:30 Media Consumption
04:40 TV Tiffany
05:00 Charging Station
05:15 Loafy Soup
05:41 Breakfast Champion
06:50 Tiffany Trouble
07:45 Think Tank/Game Plan
08:50 Neil's Eyes
09:35 Mollusk Facetime
10:09 Bomb Tube
10:50 Urban Encounter
11:43 Today's Apocalypse
12:15 Nuclear Meltdown/Toxic Turmoil
12:53 Analysis Abortion
13:40 End Times

The ultimate result? Catastrophic failure.

Please enjoy this little slice of Armageddon.

#MarsCafe #Cydonia #nightmare #Lysithea #Ceres #molluskfantasy #PulpTarot #LynxPiss #warhead #tube #pipe #HighSubmergence #UAP #JellyfishUFO #NeilBreen #GaryMathias #TonyMathias #2024 #Bidenomics #EmoryBunny #Influencer #CodeBanana #CheckMeOut #SpaceByron #BTS #PoohBear #russiangirl #toxic #Ukraine #GarysMom #love #Cydonia #Bimbigne #KillerWhale #Submarine #StormyDaniels #FunnyPages #TinyRobotNeil #ExtremeSports #healthandsafety #Picnics #Shellfish #hashtag #Lobster #Champagne #alzheimers #QContinuum #Luftwaffe #Savagery #PrincessKavorkian #CodePurple #ScorpionKing #Groovy #WorldFone #RescueRangers #SneakPeek #AtomicDevice #JeremyCorbell #SwineLife #TrustMeBro #Analysis #ontologicalshock #hucksters #spotlight #chalkboard #RussianHookers #Putin #PorkConvention #WarmingGel #ShamuLives #killerwhale #scorpionking #PulpTarot #tarotcards #Nostradamus #ChosenOne #Neptune #UncleCurtis #BWC #GhostGirl #WormPit #BlackBox #ParticleBeam #NightVision #CookieBear #Tullianum #pandering #cliffhanger
#Spycraft #Tiffany #HazyPudding #Autograph #missile #MoviePremiere #SpoilerAlert #InsectCavern #CreamCorn #SoundClown #TittyBumtickle #squatter #TheGaryMathiasBand #Unmasked #DeathRay #AngryRobotHead #CodeFrench #TriggerWarning #sexytalk #porno #UncleCurtis #pimp #BipolarDisorder #profanity #pastry #censorship #Bimbigne #Tractor #Transponder #PedroSerrano #carnivore #CompletionFunds #BathSalts #Saltburn #PoliceBrutality #HotPockets #UFO #UAP #LasVegas #checkmeout #Sputnik #PeniSoil #friedeggs #sardine #Plasmox #FoyPongu #tweakers #SwineLife #PigPeople #therapy #TotemAnimals #SpaghettiInMyPants #DeathHole #PresidentMan #NoodleHockey #SandFish #LynxPiss #Tiffany #PhobosTechCrew #hairgel #ThreatLevel #Fresca #Dreamland #hoist #CookieBear #Loafy #MenstrualFarm #CodePerch #deadbeat #TimeIsAFlatCircle #unemployed #high #SpecialDiet #fentanylcrisis #Models #auditorium #choochootrain #Dryads #zoop #NA #AA #KAARP #DEA #NRA #DNA #RNA #NWA #FML #Outdoorsman #TrueCrime #HomelessChallenge #MikeFast #cruising #MidnightCowboy #Serbia #DrSalish #SituationRoom #ProjectorEyes #SpaceBrain #Space1999 #PimpAttack #Encouragement #PerformanceReview #Udders #SugarFish #SeriousRadio #javelinthrow #armageddon #hellfire #inferno #20bucks #CodePickerel

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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