Tammy Svrcek: "Streets of Cabeza" (Dope Pipe)

17 days ago

Tammy is a spy living on planet Mars.
Gerry is an unemployed robot-actor with a substance-abuse problem.
What could possibly go right?
Why do so many robots become raving drug addicts?
Why did God give them special delivery tubes?
What's really going on here?
There are more questions than answers!

This is a deleted scene from the front-end of MARS CAFE #61. Please enjoy it. Tell a friend. Like & Subscribe!


#ChristopherHitchens #tube #pipe #HighSubmergence #UAP #JellyfishUFO #GaryMathias #TonyMathias #2024 #Bidenomics #EmoryBunny #Influencer #CheckMeOut #SpaceByron #BTS #TomCruise #russiangirl #toxic #Ukraine #GarysMom #love #Cydonia #Bimbigne #KillerWhale #Submarine #StormyDaniels #EiffelTower #TinyRobotNeil #HaileeSteinfeld #Picnics #CrookedHillary #hashtag #Lobster #Champagne #alzheimers #Luftwaffe #SimonPowell #PrincessFergie #carygrant #GroverMcLean #WorldFone #SneakPeek #GeorgeKnapp #JeremyCorbell #SwineLife #TrustMeBro #TwoMoreWeeks #ontologicalshock #hucksters #GrabEmByThePussy #MAGA #spotlight #MelaniaTrump #RussianHookers #Putin #PorkConvention
#Spycraft #VannaWhite #HazyPudding #Autograph #missile #MoviePremiere #SpoilerAlert #SoundClown #TittyBumtickle #squatter#TheGaryMathiasBand #IanPunnett #AngryRobotHead #TriggerWarning #sexytalk #porno #UncleCurtis #pimp #profanity #censorship #Bimbigne #Tractor #PedroSerrano #CompletionFunds #BathSalts #Saltburn #PoliceBrutality #HotPockets #UFO #UAP #LasVegas #checkmeout #PeniSoil #friedeggs #sardine #HarveyWeinstein #tweakers #SwineLife #PigPeople #therapy #TotemAnimals #SpaghettiInMyPants #PresidentMan #NoodleHockey #LynxPiss #Fresca #Dreamland #MenstrualFarm #deadbeat #unemployed #high #fentanylcrisis #choochootrain #zoop #NA #AA #DEA #NRA #DNA #RNA #NWA

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/331143/THE-MARS-CAFE-300-OF-THIS

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved. simmans@gmail.com

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

Visit http://TheMars.cafe for posh crazies.

Buy THE PULP OF TAROT card deck here: https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/310614/The-Pulp-of-Tarot

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