Jurassic Park (Sega CD)

7 hours ago

A playthrough of Sega's 1994 license-based adventure game for the Sega CD, Jurassic Park.

Unlike the cartridge-based games based on the 1993 Hollywood blockbuster, Jurassic Park for the Sega CD isn't an action game. It is a point-and-click adventure that focuses on puzzle solving and exploration instead of blowing things up, though there are a few short bursts of action peppered in here and there.

The game takes place after the events of the movie and novel. You are a InGen scientist, travelling as part of a group to collect the eggs that remain on Isla Nulabar after Dr. Grant and crew managed to escape. As your helicopter approaches, there's an explosion, and you are the only survivor of the crash. You have twelve hours before your ride home appears, and you must complete you mission in this time: you have to find and safely store eggs from each of the dinosaur species on the island, which of course include all of the popular ones from the movie.

You play from a first-person perspective, searching for clues and tools in each environment that'll help you to retrieve the eggs. There are plenty of obstacles, ranging from the mundane (a locked door) to the extreme (a T-Rex that will eat you, given the opportunity), and the clock is always ticking.

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