Is it Time for Never-Trumpers to put on their "Big-Boy Pants"? - Sep 3rd, 2024

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(2:00) A Grave Mistake at Arlington
• Trump photo op, Dems attack, Gold Star families blowback on Lala
• Exploitation of military members and families goes far beyond the campaigning
• Who's responsible for the deaths of those who died in Afghanistan?
(22:57) Listener emails - DHS' Biometric Mark of the Beast, masks are back at hospitals in Atlanta, Burning Man billionaires, private jets, DMT Metallic Elves, and pre-election multi-crisis

(40:36) SubscribeStar and commercial free podcast of the show

(45:18) Trump & Lala's Drug War — the Uni-Party or UN?
• Trump gets it right on prohibition - for all the wrong reasons
• How we know that "fentanyl laced marijuana' pushed by Rubio & Trump is an "Urban Legend" to put it mildly
• Trump: war with Mexico over drugs, death penalty for dealers, and legalizing recreational marijuana
• WATCH Trump condemns pharma lobbyists and revolving door of regulators and industry — and the friendly interviewer lets him get away with the hypocrisy
• Is it time for NeverTrump Republicans to put on their "big boy pants" or is it time for someone to change MAGA's diapers?
• Trump's biggest positive contribution — vaccine skepticism
• 10% of myocarditis/pericarditis cases from mRNA TrumpShot die
• Washington Post notes Trump's inconsistency on vaccines and cheers what MAGA jeers
• What's behind the mass polio vaccination campaign in Gaza?
(1:38:57) Thank you to supporters by mail

(1:40:19) "Brides of the State" (BOTS), a demographic force

(1:44:25) Boar's Head, Listeria, the Tent Coalition, and the Great Replacement
• Mold, migrants, bugs and bacteria
• What is the "Tent Coalition" and what globalist companies are a part of it?
• How much is the welfare magnet drawing in illegals costing UK & US?
• Colorado Gov Polis pretends Aurora is not a problem and court will not evict Venezuelan gangs that are squatting
(2:01:33) Federal Reserve and IRS, Two Sides of the Same Coin
• What has happened over the last century to family income — priced in gold?
• What has happened to income tax since its creation and what is Lala proposing?
• Would Lala take us to $10,000 gold? Would Trump?
• Gold is doing better than gold mining stocks
(2:14:24) Bribes, Batteries, and Bans — What's Next for BEVs? Will Alternatives Be Allowed?
• Fires, costs, and insurance skyrocket but the climate cult is undeterred
• Will people ever grasp the massive transfer of wealth and the government corruption?
• The tell-tale signs of a MacGuffin are all here. Can you recognize them?
• Massive review of 24 yrs, 41 countries and 1,500 policies show only 4% reduce emissions. So why haven't we all died?
• AI energy demand is killing corporate ESG aspirations — for now
(2:42:33) Mainstream Alt-Media Pushes Civil War for Trump
• False Flags, Agents Provocateurs
• When is Armed Resistance Justified?
• If you haven't tried Nullification and/or Defunding Government Indoctrination Centers (aka schools)…
• Vermont schools want "Son" or "Daughter" labels stopped
• Former LGBT teacher & groomer, furious about so-called "Don't Say Gay" law, threatens judge and gets 5 years in jail after a career of grooming/gaslighting children

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