Trump 2024 is a Done Deal (Politics for the People)

6 months ago

The Guest Panel discusses Barton Gellman's article, "Trump's Next Coup Has Already Begun," in The Atlantic proposing several profound misunderstandings about Trump's activities in the past year. The Capital assault, the assault participants, and the GOP's antidemocratic revision of election officials and procedures at the state level didn't require use of Presidential authority. How did Trump imperil the electoral process and power transfer to better position himself for influence and, likely, reelection? Why did these actions go unconfronted by Democrats? Guests suggest new frameworks to explain what happened? Gellman's article carries dire predictions, about states likely to have close elections in 2024, and especially about the survival of US Democracy. Guests propose Democrats’ next steps against the GOP’s systematic effort to nullify election results and reverse them in favor of Trump.

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