Problematic: Nature Museum's Displays Were Categorized By Cis Hetero Victorian White Men

6 months ago

Posted • September 2, 2024: At first, we weren't certain that this wasn't just some brilliant trolling. But this is professionally shot and edited, not to mention reflective of the Manchester Museum's other cringeworthy content: Manchester Museum @McrMuseum: “Who's ready for… 🍁 taxidermy autumn 🍁” -- "Deumre beaver tradwife." Nick, who goes by they/them pronouns, is sorry to announce that visitors to taxidermy autumn are more likely to see male specimens on display, collected by men. The ratio of stuffed birds isn't representative of the population as a whole.

Note how Nick dismisses the nuclear family, which was a thing back then in the Victorian Era. Thank God that's over and we've moved on to whatever we have now. Remember, one of the tenents of Black Lives Matter and other Marxist-based organizations is the "disruption" of the nuclear family, which is a holdover of "whiteness." They'd love to put mom, dad, and the kids in a museum too behind glass. -- Manchester Museum making absolute horses petoots out of themselves. This is as hilarious as it is deeply disturbing. Won't someone get the adults back in the room. Manchester museum, you utter disgrace. See why we thought it was trolling? They apologize for straight, white, Victorian men being responsible for the majority of the knowledge in the museum, as well as the museum building itself. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Problematic: Nature Museum's Displays Were Categorized by Cis Hetero Victorian White Men

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