Colossians Introduction -Series

4 months ago

A brief overview of the epistle to the Colossians
Colossians; Revelation 2-3; 2 Timothy 3:1-7
Revelation ch2-3 incorporates letters to the angels of the seven churches.
Ephesus - Revelation 2:1
Smyrna - Revelation 2:8
Pergamos - Revelation 2:12
Thyatira - Revelation 2:18
Sardis - Revelation 3:1
Philadelphia - Revelation 3:7
Laodicea - Revelation 3:14

Three applications of these churches:
Historical - actual churches (past)
Doctrinal - applies (Revelation 2-3) to churches in tribulation (future)
Practical - ages within the church dispensation (present)

Colossians and Laodicea comparison - end times applicable

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