The Missing Person in The Gospel of Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan.

6 months ago

Check out this playlist for more with Joe Rogan 👇

Jordan presents the Socratic idea that you attend to that which is above all things (good, true and beautiful) but stops short at telling you what that thing is. So Jordan’s solution is to engage in a process but his philosophical experiment fails because he doesn’t know what is above all things. Jordan is missing the capstone to his philosophical model. Or the Living stone who is Christ. Let me know what you think in the comments as this is an ongoing discussion on the podcast.

@joerogan and @JordanBPeterson full interview

I also mentioned Joes interview with Alan Graham as a good complement to this discussion.

I explore the connection between theology, humanity, history and culture. I do this in the hopes of creating meaningful dialogue with others. I am creating dialogues with Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand and other powerful voices in culture.

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I would love for you to catch all the upcoming videos.

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0:00 It Gets Interesting
0:08 Do You Wrestle With God?
2:24 Building From Themes in Dialogue
5:09 Jordan Peterson’s Aim Up Philosophy
7:59 Something or Someone is Missing
14:47 Atheists, Nihilists, and True Believers
18:55 Memes and Mimetic Transformation
22:40 Psychedelic Stories and Transformative Experiences
30:19 Encountering God
34:54 Sacrifice and Family at the Center of Society
39:27 “As Christ Loved The Church”
46:07 The Story of Christ Goes Through Tragedy

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