288. Homeschooling All The Ages And Stages: Katie Hedrick From Joy At Home With Tips For Every Child

5 months ago

We don't have to homeschool alone. Yes, it's just mom doing the day in and day out of mothering and home educating the children.

But we can learn so much from each other. None of us will homeschool exactly the same way, but some of the best things happened in my homeschool when I learned from other moms.

Today's guest, Katie Hedrick from Joy at Home podcast is truly an encouragement to mothers. She and her husband felt the call to homeschool and made that big adjustment in their lives a few years ago. Now, she is homeschooling three children in all three of the different education age ranges and she has so much to share with you.

Pull up a seat at the table as we have a fun conversation!

♥ Leigh

Katie's website: https://katiehedrick.com/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joy-at-home-homeschool-christian-mom-homeschooling/id1519279335
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katielynnhedrick/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsKatieHedrick

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