Seriously Stella rose boredom killed you on internet posting nonsense everyday 9/2/24

4 months ago

This what you do all day stuck on the internet all day doing this you obsessed Aaron Carter stuff drive you mad soon be going crazy and not good with your health at all and you also put sia unstoppable that is and insults to sia herself she might cooyright on your channels you kniw cant play music youtube you can get copyright claim on YouTube channel music on it get life using speacial ghost 👻 hunting aswell see my content your lucky didnt the whole would hsve strike on that to aswell let this one slide for now keep postimg contente of you uf have mined report to authorities to you mine you we still what they do your could even imaginned now go outside stay off internet removed my content from your YouTube channel never threatened you you liar scumbag lady get off the Internet do something woth yourself get a job or get a life or touch grass that all cam say to white karen

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