It’s A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock N’ Roll - 🎸 AC/DC 🎸

6 months ago

Aggressive High Profit Organ Harvesting :



3.) Excerpts from Comments Section

So as much as I really don't want to know, the "truth" nags at me.
In 1999 my now ex wife and I had twin daughters born 15 days apart prematurely. First one died in my hand at 21 weeks. Second one died in pain I could hear her gasps as the trying to be a hero respiratory therapist was shoving that tube down her throat wouldn't look at me.

I asked him "She already has brain damage, right?" He just did a one nod yes. I said "You're done!" I feel I made the right call.

Their organs were harvested, weren't they?


Lots of patients get transplanted to Guatemala because our hospitals won’t give them the medicines that they get in Guatemala!

They just want the organs for the money!

Here are the sums per doc of the parts!

Heart is between 100 to 200k

The rest of the organs are worth between 1 to 5 million!


Can't help but think of my brother who was injured in a car accident in1999. . .he was a donor for 9 recipients. . .including his eyes. . .what did he experience!!!!!!!!! ???????? I am an angry BITCH now!

4.) Cleveland Clinic is known for flying elite in for organ transplants. "World reknowned"

5.) My parents both died , dad 1989. He was 55 yrs old. He was diabetic , his kidneys failed and he had a stroke. He was on life support. Got better, took him off life support moved him to the dialysis floor, cuz he was breathing on his own , then coded and my mom and older siblings had already decided if that happened not to resuscitate . I was 19, and I was livid that me and my other sister were not told of this decision .
He coded in front of me and no one helped him and I had to watch him die. They said he had brain damage , but not brain dead that’s why my mom and siblings made that choice . I do not believe he had brain damage. He was in a coma , but he responded to me when I talked to him . He followed me with his eyes like I asked him to do . It’s a long story , but I’m telling you I knew he didn’t have what they were saying .

Mom passed 1991 she had a brain aneurysm .
She was 54. ( I’m about to turn 54 next week)
She was suppose to have surgery to fix it , but it bled again as they said it could. Then they had to put a shunt in her head to draw the blood off. They said she could never live like that as it affected the area of her brain that told her to breathe. I was 20, almost 21. My mom told every one of us kids to never let her live on a machine , to let her go be with Jesus . Well I was the only one there when the time came to tell them to not keep doing the breathing for her . I couldn’t do it, I called my brother and had him talk to the nurse , then he told me to say it was ok.
So traumatic , how they both went , and they were both in the same hospital , each lived 3 weeks and then died. 😭

My mom was a donor of 2 things they asked us if they could use and it was tissue for something and something for the ears. I can’t remember , but now I think they took it all. She was 54 and healthy . Good heart, lungs, kidneys, etc . We never ever would have thought to check for organs missing .

I take rest in knowing I will see them again in heaven.

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