Israel is lying again about recent Hostage release and killings.

6 months ago

For your information. Israel lost my support after the Hamas October 7th attack.

They lost all credibility with me after they lied about being caught off guard and overwhelmed by Hamas. Netanyahu and Israel sent millions of dollars to Qatar to be given to Hamas months before October 7th attack.

Then we find out they knew Hamas had training and preparing for October 7th attack across the border for months before.

Then we find out Israel government watched on surveillance cameras Hamas do whatever they wanted for 7 hours before trying to stop them. When IDF finally showed up, the IDF was ordered to carpet bomb the entire area and shoot every person on sight. Most of Israelis were killed by the Israeli military and they blamed Hamas for those deaths. The IDF said, they rather kill Israelis than have them become a Hamas hostage. WOULD YOU WANT THESE SICK PEOPLE PROTECTING YOU?

THEN, Israel decided to make outrageous disgusting lies to get Israeli support and the rest of the world. Israel lied about Hamas beheading 40 babies. Israel lied about Hamas killing a pregnant Israeli woman and cutting the baby out of her womb. Then Israel lied about Hamas hanging dead babies on clothesline and cut their throats. Then Israel lied about Hamas gang raping Israeli women and girls. So many more lies. Oh, Israel constantly lies about needing to carpet bomb hospitals, schools, mosques and churches, businesses because their were one, two, or three Hamas terrorists hiding out inside. They have decimated most of Gaza on purpose so the people there would have no place to return to and or force the people to leave.

I customized this background and took these screenshots to make this video for you. I also chose this background music for this video.

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