ion8-ministry - testimony 005, part 5 of 5. (gov. funded apartment detailed signs of anti-messiah)

4 months ago

This final video for the testimonies of Yahweh, will help you see that Yahweh has done it and I say to you, no 'Trinity' is required for eternal life (John 17:3) or to do this ministry - for this reason, I was called out of Tibetan Buddhism and its trinity and no.8, to help you see. Bless you in Yahshua name, only by Yah can we see according to His plans. By knowing that, we have peace. I pray, He reveal to you, His sovereignty.

His works are awesome, enjoy and get stronger in His works and might, by His Spirit that leads, encourages and comforts us - He is confirming many things, for many people - He is honoring many of you who see and know these subjects. That His is praised and you made stronger in Him. Eph.6:10

They are powerless against the blood of the lamb - John 19:11, Romans 13:1 and Isaiah 45:7. By his blood, I can see what His word says.

As my brother and sister have said, 'I'm not bragging or complaining . . I'm revealing' - because Yahshua is not a myth, he opens our eyes, and we are loved and Yahweh has set His interest on this city.

I did not quit and I am receiving his promises as I speak and write. Wait on Him. By His Spirit we are changed. He will do it.

- He keeps His covenant

Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 7:9 and 10. (TS2009)

'And you shall know that יהוה your Elohim, He is Elohim, the trustworthy Ěl guarding covenant and loving-commitment for a thousand generations with those who love Him, and those who guard His commands,”'

'but repaying those who hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He does not delay to do so with him who hates Him, He repays him to his face.'

Woe to the enemies of Yahweh who hate him and are crossing boundaries, like the police officer (and spirit that leads them) who shot one of the flock of Jesus, our sister in the faith, Sonya Massey.

In honor of Sonya Massey, who is one of Yahweh's favorites - yes, He has favorites - the widows, children and elderly, the poor and broken, the down trodden, and helpless.

John 19:11
Yahshua answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

and The King is Kind.

All because of Yahshua our Messiah, who has authority over these Na8tions - because of him, I see. Now, I am certain, his power is greater than what is in this world and he is with us who agree with Yahweh, and do His works and not hers (world and its leader).

From Yahweh, or His son, or Lucifer or your boss at work - there is but one power, one source . . . and that is Yahweh our loving creator (crea8her), who sent His son to destroy the works of the devil and give us life with him and his Father. All is under him. (Rom.13:1)

The work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yahshua our Messiah, but not Iesous, who rose on the 7th day - he has done it, his works are very great.

I was tried and tested ... over these past 26 years, thinking .. was I just making this up? ... I now see, fear and trust in His sovereignty that keeps me free - then He put me here, in the exact spot that I see and report His power and glory - that I know to trust and fear Him. The idol is here and much more - the anti-messiah spirit manifest, that I show you, and help you be set apart, to Him and not her.

We have reason we trust in Yahshua, and I have mine to why I came to Albuquerque when I was 15. I have returned to show you that spider that is attached to our Churches, and leaders.

The hope is leaders see that Trinity and the number 8 is part of the spirit of this world, and that is led by Inanna. How do you think we got porn star pastors, frauds and scams, idols and witchcraft in Church?

Honor Inanna and you get a black widow.
Honor Yahweh and His son, and you get His blessings.

Keeping His commands do not include honoring Inanna by her number 8 - in her sabbaths and feast.

Make note, Trinity prophets were all wrong about Trump and by these prophets, led by Inanna and not Yahweh, Jan 6 riots came - she is a goddess of war, Babylon is confusion, and she is a transgender deity - to better serve to this world pleasure in the way of Lucifer, who is compared to Venus that also has two sides.

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May Yahweh bless you, and keep you and make you stronger in Him.

shalom shaleem (Isa.26:3 and 4), your fellow servant, chailighter.

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