Article 4995 Video - International Public Notice: As You Have Been Informed By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4995 Video - International Public Notice: As You Have Been Informed - Sunday, September 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Our country is not represented by our foreign Federal Subcontractors in this matter; the enumerated powers regarding Trade Policies and diplomatic matters were granted to our own American Federal Subcontractor known as the Federal Republic, not to any incorporated service provider or foreign Federal Subcontractor.

As such, the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States --- foreign Federal Subcontractors of ours --- have been misrepresenting themselves as our actual government and presuming to act as our representative in the United Nations.

No such role was ever apportioned to them and we have objected on the Public Record and published our objections worldwide, so that there can be no doubt that any action undertaken by them in our names is not credible and not obligatory on our parts.

We hereby break the silence and operate our own presence by and through our Subcontractor's membership "in our names" and object to the "Pact for the Future".

There is little to nothing about this "Pact for the Future" that appeals to our vision of a better life, as it appears to have been written with the unilateral benefit of incorporated entities in mind, and the tyrannical oppression of Nature and living people as a side effect. There is also a healthy dollop of Malfeasance that promotes cultural annihilation as a means to control and homogenize the entire Earth into a hive-like corporate entity.

The Persons and Corporations responsible for promoting such proposals against the Will and Benefit of their Employers are subject to International and Global Law for promoting crimes against humanity and have already participated in genocide.

As a result, no vote taken among the 193 guilty corporations or their leadership will be binding upon any living man or woman and our country cannot be mistaken as voting through our supposed and purported representatives as being in favor of the so-called "Pact for the Future".

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