Some things that need to happen before Jesus returns Part 2

5 months ago

ETT-0189 - Some things that need to happen before Jesus returns Part 2 Before the return of Jesus, several critical events are prophesied to take place. The war of Ezekiel 38 will occur, leading to the construction of the Temple. This will be preceded by a period where transgression reaches its peak, reflecting a spiritually dark earth with minimal light. The geopolitical landscape will evolve into a global, atheistic environment, where the Church becomes an outcast and an enemy of mainstream culture. Furthermore, the world will be subjected to God's profound global judgment. The influences of the Harlot of Babylon and the spirit of Antichrist will permeate all aspects of humanity, solidifying their control and impacting societal norms. Engage with fellow believers at where a treasure trove of resources awaits to deepen your knowledge and devotion. As one, let us cultivate discernment and joyfully anticipate the fulfillment of His promise. Website

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