Churches and people act like nothing is going on!

6 months ago

Churches act like nothing is going on and never talk about revelation ever or that Jesus is coming back! They talk about dumb topics that do not offend anyone and judge everyone by how they dress, if Jesus came into a church He would not wear a suit and tie but jeans and a t shirt and people would tell Him go away you are not welcome here! That is why Jesus skipped the religious crowd in Israel and sat with the outcasts because they were shunned by the religious crowd in Israel, Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, Peter was a fisherman as were James, John, Andrew, Matthew was a tax collector, Simon was a zealot, Paul was a Pharisee and was there when Stephen was stoned, Jesus chose the 12 on purpose and they were powerful Early church leaders, churches today neglect the poor, the widows, the homeless, the outcasts and care more about themselves and how they look! You judge people who visit a church they will decide not to follow Jesus at all and want nothing to do with God! God will deal with those who judge people harshly, Jesus is coming now and will not be nice, He will rapture only those who are ready and leave everyone else left behind, that includes many pastors and church members, they thought they were good enough for God and never accepted Him in their lives or wanted to, they wanted to earn their way to heaven and thought being a church member was good enough, they will be the ones yelling at pastors why did you not tell us Jesus was coming! What will happen to us now! Time is up people it is September

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