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Dangerous Rumours w/ Donald Best

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Join us for a crucial episode titled "Dangerous Rumours," as we examine the severe implications of misinformation and character assassination through the case of Donald Best, a journalist and former Toronto Police officer. Recently, Best has been wrongfully identified as Grant Bristow, a former Canadian spy, leading to a harmful rumour that he is living under an assumed identity. This false claim has not only put his life at risk but also unfairly labelled him as a traitor.

Elisa Hațegan, who knew Bristow from her time in the Heritage Front, clarifies the truth with her firsthand knowledge: "I knew Grant Bristow very well... and I can tell you unequivocally that Donald Best is not Grant Bristow. Their physical appearances are distinctly different, and no amount of plastic surgery could bridge that gap."

This episode also delves into Donald Best's previous investigative journalism, which has stirred controversy and might have catalyzed these dangerous rumours. His report, "Questions, Doubts, Lack of Accountability Undermine Coutts Fundraising," critically examines the handling of funds raised for the so-called 'Coutts Four,' highlighting issues of transparency and accountability. This thorough investigation has ruffled feathers, potentially prompting the spread of these malicious rumours as a form of retaliation.

Questions, Doubts, Lack of Accountability Undermine Coutts Fundraising | https://donaldbest.ca/questions-doubts-lack-of-accountability-undermine-coutts-fundraising/

"Anyone wishing to dispute or discuss the findings of my report can reach out. I am committed to truth and will rectify any part of my report should new evidence warrant it," says Best in his pursuit of journalistic integrity and accountability.

Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the severity of attacks on journalists as attacks on the pillars of democracy. Under Canadian law, specifically Criminal Code section 423.1, intimidating or attacking journalists to impede their work is a criminal offence. Such actions are seen as attempts to provoke fear amongst journalists, obstructing them from disseminating information related to criminal activities, thus hindering the public's right to information and the proper functioning of a free press.

Tune in as we explore the chilling effects of misinformation on individuals and the importance of rigorous journalism in upholding truth and justice in society. This episode is a poignant reminder of the real-world dangers of unfounded accusations and the critical role of responsible media in dismantling them.


  • 0/2000
  • These dramas that divide and distract are really disappointing. Hopefully everyone can overlook this stuff and still be strong and stand together. There are so few as it is!

  • Wow. That’s horrible Jason and Donald. Just wow!

  • I have given money many times to a event or person but never received receipts nor did I care

  • When Job prayed for his enemies, God doubly blessed him and restored him. God bless you both and your families..

    1 like
  • When did tony say they brought weapons to shoot policemen???

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  • Amanda is hanging out with the wrong crowd so I'm not surprised that she attacks people. You are not the only one. She is a wanna be important person

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  • I didn't know about the funding problems and defamation. I tend to filter out the noise in the media [I do not watch any mainstream news or TV [other than documentaries and history]. My big take on this is that money tends to change everything. I enjoy the reporting that you both do, and I appreciate that we all have one thing in common: we want to fix a broken Canada. If I were to find a silver lining in all this, I now know that I am not alone, and I feel that we have the strength in numbers to make the changes we see being needed - happening.

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  • No Donald! Tony is not to blame for the call for the EA. Trudeau had already planned to call the EA before the convoy had even shown up. The Coutts protest was the excuse. Tony said that his goal was to talk not to shoot. You'd have to show me absolute proof to show intent to fraud from 'Grandma. I don't believe it. We all know that family cant' be trusted. It should have been up to the people giving the large amounts of money to ask for a receipt. Before I handed over the money, I would have asked for a receipt. Amanda Purdy has been spreading untruths on X about Donald. They are ridiculous claims which I pushed back on, but other than her's I've not read or heard of any other threats toward you guy. Online threats are evil and I'm sorry that you guys are the brunt of them.

  • Just listened to the chatter from the Other Side. Ridiculous & waaaay far out in left field. Bizarre.

  • All the useless tales & embellishments from these women & their cohorts about Diagalon/Morgan/Jeremy/even Ferry was mentioned. I cannot believe how dull in the head these people really are- Wow. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  • this is so shocking to me & my husband! Why is it that all of us have to watch what we say, what we do yet this service corporation disguised as a government has broken more laws & have caused more division & hate not to mention all of the harm that 'they' have inflicted on Canadians lives is far beyond what the Coutts men or the truckers have ever done. this is outrageous that you are being attacked!! You are as pure as one can be on this volatile loosh planet!! many blessings of strength, protection & abundance to both yourselves & your family!! ♥