Stellaroseallday here proof your a liar 🤥 9/1/24

6 months ago

Here the proof never said that you liar all said on quoted on youtube live that never threatened you you crazy psycho lady never said threatened life you dumbass you don't how read you jump the gun stellaroseallday what's wrong with yoy get me trouble that shit you insane careful with words you xan get lawsuits over this never threatened you there proof all said beware if stella rose posting werid about people and quoting channels had defend myself on internet because you idiocy dumnbass you got me trouble is not worthy you bride of chucky was right about you loca you are crazy 🤪 you jump conclusions not knowing you low IQ woman so there have it folks said that to her not even once this lady going to say into trouble so many if shows cops let me know going crazy lady let them know deranged she is and lunatick call you named one thing never threatened whatsoever that not my modelled that not wring yes am alot things a killier not none of them remember stella careful with your words might bite you in back or backfired and you get seriously for those things you might end federal prison or psych ward just Horrible lady she is well anyways guys just you proof of it tomorrow post these tomorrow for final say one last post tomorrow and will doned talking about thrash bag harlots of a woman ever again plus she offended me aint buying no book you can forget that 👎well enjoy final clip we clip more tomorrow on labor day see ya manana or tomorrow

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