Prayer: The Truth vs. Popularity (Social Media etc.)

6 months ago

Lately, Prayer has been increasingly looked at as a means to potentially get things that we want from God. Regardless of request or intention.
People ask for anything from ill fate to befall someone in their life, to brand new luxury vehicles to fall into their laps.

These notions have been supported by denominations and so called churches who's only goal is to get more people to join and stay regardless if they follow the way or not.

Am I saying that those who don't follow the way aren't welcome?...No!! not in the least. If they come and are there to learn the way then they are MOST welcome.

however those who try to incorporate sinful desires and unbiblical ideas into following christ should not only not be accepted but removed as we are told to do specifically, after 3 full righteous attempts to show them through the word the right path.

Such as those claiming that specific prayers bring specific things and that it's the words themselves that do it.
These people, all of them, are not of God and instead are attempting to lead people astray.

Here we'll discuss this at length. #love #truth #amen #bible #biblejournaling #christ #godliness #bibletruth

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