Documentary: The Imperial French Cause In Defense of Napoleon Bonaparte. By The Fascifist

4 hours ago

Documentary: The Imperial French Cause In Defense of Napoleon Bonaparte. By The Fascifist
The French Revolution was not simply a spontaneous occurrence. There were elaborate plans "For a Peaceful Transformation" into a Republican Monarchy by the King of France Himself, inspired by the Model of the American Constitutional Republic.
And it has been documented from separate sources that England, especially "The Foreign Office" was directly behind subverting the Peaceful Revolution of France. They were Directly Responsible for CAUSING the Starvation that along with Mass Crop Failure that Launched the Peasant Uprising. But they were also behind the placement of Agent Provocateurs, Groups of Violence and Chaos, and those who sought to Force Their Own Desired Form of Government.
It has also been reported that the Rothschild's Funded the Highjacking of the French Revolution and then Funded Napoleon and his Wars as well.
It is also well established that the Rothschild's, Adam Weishaupt and the Jewish False Messiah Jacob Frank of the Sabbatean Cult of Sin Partnered in the Creation of the Illuminati. Thus it makes perfect sense that the Illuminati that sought to Overthrow All Monarchies and Religions (Except the British) Worked with the Rothschild's and British Aristocracy to Topple the French Monarchy and Back Napoleon's Wars. This served to Bring Destruction to Europe, the Monarchies and their Economies.
This is probably the primary example of the British fomenting Wars Between their Enemies for a Divide and Conquer Strategy to Destroy Their Competition and Pick up the Pieces. Pure Hegemony for the Establishment of the British Empire.
But the French Revolution must also add Giuseppe Mazzini and his Color Revolutions throughout Europe that Prevented any Peaceful Revolution or Transformation to American Styled Government or Freedom for the people.
The Jacobian's must also be viewed as an early form of Communism, that set the stage for the Bolshevick Revolution that would follow.
It is also highly likely that the fact that Napoleon was a 33 Degree Mason had a connection to everything as well. How that may have factored into everything, I do not know. But there was also an extreme Rivalry between London and Paris for control over who would be the World Leaders of the Freemasons. I think the British Victory at Waterloo and the Establishment of the Rulership of Freemasonry out of the City of London has strong Implications that are tied to all of this as well.
And of course the Vatican and the Jesuits (Also Tied to the Illuminati) are also directly connected to all of this. You will note that the Backers of Napoleon in Paris ORDERED him NOT TO ATTACK THE POPE.
But there were also internal battles between different factions for control of the Papacy.
Regardless of the fact that Napoleon was Funded by the Rothschild's, he still may have had a True Patriotic Commitment to France. But the City of London Banksters USED Napoleon as a Weapon Against Rival Nations and Monarchies. Just as Hitler would later be USED as a Weapon for the Establishment of the British Empire and the New World Order...
Isn't it funny that the Jesuits, the British, Jewish Banksters and the Freemason/Illuminati always seem to benefit from EVERY WAR OR GLOBAL CRISIS?
Lol. Just a strange coincidence. Not
December 12, 2023
The Fascifist
A documentary about the greatest military leader in history, Napoleon Bonaparte.
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