Time to Decouple from the CCP's Technology Tector

6 months ago


8/29/2024 Will the Netherlands' restriction on ASML’s technology services in China exacerbate the global decoupling from the CCP technology? Mr. Miles Guo has revealed that Fan Yifei leaked China’s digital RMB and global strategy to the West in advance, prompting Western countries to implement stricter technology decoupling measures. These decoupling actions may lead ordinary Chinese people into a predicament of technology shortages, soaring living costs, and reduced job opportunities
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #ASML #decouple #Netherlands #Chip

8/29/2024 荷兰限制ASML在中国的技术服务是否会加剧全球与中共科技的脱钩?郭文贵先生曾爆料范一飞提前向西方泄露了中国数字人民币及其全球战略,从而促使西方国家采取了更为严厉的技术脱钩措施。这一系列脱钩行动可能让普通中国人陷入技术短缺、生活成本飞涨和就业机会骤减的困境
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #阿斯麦 #脱钩 #荷兰 #芯片

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