War Crime

6 months ago

25th August 2024
Investigating further the clarifications by the Supreme Court of New South Wales of crimes against humanity and behaviours criminal by the State.
At what point are they made accountable for their actions?
Long form

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UboLkVeVYU

Channel Comment: Please wake up; "Afwakening" followers. It's Communism; don't keep supporting foreign criminal powers masquerading fakery at you. Body Corps Citizenship that y'all Love so Much is Support for the Foreigner Occupation. If ye don't Get that fact, occupied; foreign GovernMent, Foreign ROLL, then that's why Australia is still run by the corrupt; the People supporting Those Corrupt are the Corps CITIZENS of Foreign "AUSTRALIA". Being ignorant. Childish. A citizen is a belligerent ward; Occupiers Property, waving a Blue Foreign Pirates Flag. A repatriated civilian is a POW in their own Land, with a Standard, a Federal Red Ensign for Commonwealth of Australia, of ANZAC. Citizen are oblivious in most cases to "AUSTRALIA" being Foreign Corporation. wOkE and in denial of that fact; supporting Foreign Power in our land by engaging in Unlawful Politics. Read Hague Treaties; "In Force" it says, is the status. Ignore at our country's peril.

The Truth: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheTruthWillMakeYouFree2024Updated:3
More Truth: https://old.bitchute.com/video/8djveMYxFtYC/
Another way: https://old.bitchute.com/video/bS7shaJWXg0H/
Federal Red Ensign Explained: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/your-federal-red-ensign-explained:0
Flags and Authority: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QEWV2a9Egoc3/
Nano-Tech WBAN Mavern/Lavender: https://old.bitchute.com/video/wP5gSDBTaxc7/
S.C. Ruling: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/17ae62c4f87505817ce30e5a
Constitution: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheAnnotatedConstitution-1900imp-RedCover:0
ANZAC Common Law eg: https://constitutionwatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Romani-v-State-of-New-South-Wales-NSW-Caselaw.pdf
Hague IV 'treaty': https://info.dfat.gov.au/Info/Treaties/Treaties.nsf/AllDocIDs/87956593F7B0A195CA256C950018C10E
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269
Bill Of Rights Act 1688: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/act/consol_act/bor16881wams2c2306/longtitle.html
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching History: https://austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1939/3.html

Australian Imperial Crown on YT: https://www.youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486
Australian Imperial Crown on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@SpiersMedia:2
White Papers (vid/audio reading): https://www.youtube.com/@auseducation376
Australian Imperial Crown: https://australianimperialcrown.com/

Patriot Stickers https://www.morleysignworks.com.au/commonwealth-collection
Aus Patriot Shirts https://shop.spiersmedia.com/
Australian Federal Red Ensign: https://customflagsaustralia.com.au/product-category/1901-federal-land-flag/

TheBallIsWild on GAB: gab.com/TheBallIsWild
TBIW Chats and Lives: https://discord.gg/FrFPjRQFUb

One Crown, One Flag, One People, One Destiny.
Lest We Forget <3

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