Mind Control, Self-Sabotage, and the Path to Mental Resilience with Jason Christoff

6 months ago

Join us as we delve into the dark world of mind control and self-sabotage with Jason Christoff, an international expert in behaviour modification and psychological reprogramming. Jason, who overcame his own struggles with self-sabotage, now teaches others how to recognise and break free from the subconscious patterns holding them back. Discover why humanity is so easily manipulated, the hidden forces at play, and the simple yet powerful strategies you can use to strengthen your mind and reclaim your personal power. It’s time to break free from the chains of mental conditioning and step into a life of true autonomy.

#MindControl #SelfSabotage #MentalResilience #JasonChristoff #BehaviourModification #PersonalPower #BreakFree #PodcastSeries

Jason Christoff is known for his work in educating people on the topics of mind control, brainwashing, and psychological manipulation. He runs an international self-sabotage coaching school, helping students and clients reprogram their minds to overcome self-destructive behaviours and unlock their full potential

The two links that Jason described in this podcast can be found here:

Who THEY are - https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/10-conspiracy-fact-videos

The PUSH from Derren Brown - Derren Brown- Pushed to the Edge (2018) Watch HD - video Dailymotion - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gxbf6

For more information on @jasonchristoff please head to his website: https://www.jchristoff.com/ and join his email list.

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