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Gold Star Father Addresses Kamala Harris’ “Heinous, vile and disgusting post” about President Trump

6 months ago

Her Twitter post said that President Trump was in Arlington as a “political stunt.”

Gold Star Father Mark Schmitz is so angry that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris have EVER reached out to ANY family member of the 13 soldiers killed in their disastrous surrender in Afghanistan, and on this holiday weekend, he had to make a video statement about it. Never ONCE did either of them say ANY of their names, never once spoke to ANY of the family members at any time to even give condolences. “Shows what you know about the 13 families. We INVITED him to be there. We wanted a LEADER.” This Gold Star Father’s statement is heartbreaking.

“I pray to God Americans wake the hell up and get your ass out of office. You have spit in our face for the last f***ing time.” The Biden Harris regime is despicable.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • The world demands accountability from the democrat party for genocide on a global scale. I believe god himself is calling the democrat party to hell for their crimes against humanity, These people, very simply cannot live in this world. Anymore, they must be exterminated from it. They have proven that they are genocidal maniacs, beyond any shadow of a doubt to billions of people around the world, nothing can stop what's coming nothing