Episode 69 D, Genesis 34 epilogue

1 month ago

I am doing this to try and find donors or a corporate sponsor to open an office to feed hungry people and be a resource center for Prairie Grove AR.
In this episode Jacob and his tribe come upon a village, one of the villagers rapes his daughter Dinah.
Haram The father of the rapist Schechem goes to Jacob to sue for peace, he offers land, water, friendship, and to have Schechem marry Dinah and wants their children to marry each other also. He wants them to become one family.
But this would be fruit of a poison tree, as the instigating factor was the rape of Dinah, not ethical.
So! Jacob stalls, he knows this is wrong at first he agrees, but he insist the men of Hamor's tribe get circumcised first, then they can intermarry.
Haram agrees, the men get circumcised and as is common they all get a viral or bacterial infection, develop a fever and get tired (sounds like a virus). When they are tired, the sons, starting with Levi and Simeon go and kill Hamor and Schechem and all of the men in their house. They get Dinah back.
The other brothers infuriated at the rape of Dinah, go and kill all of the men of the tribe, rob them, and take the women and children as slaves.

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