American Docs & Hospitals Are Paid to Keep You Sick Part 3

6 months ago

Ralph Nader's PDR - Drugs that people over age 65 should never be given (but of course 80% of American doctors prescribe these on a regular basis to people well over age 65. Meds for high blood pressure, blood thinners, pain relievers, diabetic medications, arthritis medications, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, these are the basis of the problem.

Betsy Layman, top medical reporter for the Boston Globe, was being treated for breast cancer at age 39. She just took her last series of chemo, the doctors gave her 16 times the normal dose and killed her with an overdose at only 39 yrs old!

Jackie Kennedy had been diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma, it's a relatively painless type of cancer that normally takes 10 - 15 years to kill you; she had 15 years left. Six months later she entered the hospital for her 1st chemo treatment. Four days later she
was dead! You were led to believe Jackie Kennedy died of cancer. Jackie did not die of cancer, she was killed with an overdose of chemotherapy just like Betsy Layman!

70% of the medical doctors who treat Medicare patients in America flunked the exam on how to prescribed them safely and effectively.

Washington Post editorial page Nov 2nd 1992, the headline said "Lining Doc's Pockets"

Twelve ways that doctors routinely scam money from patients & insurance.

In 1993 Reader's Digest said the average doctor in America receives $226,681,00 per year in kickbacks for CAT scans and MRI's, everything related to big pharma is a money scam! You wonder why insurance keeps going up and you can't afford medical care.

In 1972, 52% of all licensed medical doctors in America used psychotropic drugs illegally every week, using speed, cocaine, marijuana, opium derivatives, and other drugs like fentanyl, anesthetics, and so forth.

78% of the medical students used psychotropic drugs illegally every week.

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