How the Let’sgoal App Actually Works (and Why You Should Use It)

6 months ago

How the Let’sgoal App Actually Works (and Why You Should Use It)

Stretch…take a few minutes to stretch each day…increases circulation, oxygen and blood flow to give you more energy.
Meditate/Pray…meditation and prayer helps bring clarity and connection to your purpose.
Visualize…visuals help build motivation and inspires you to take action on your goals…we believe in you.
Purpose/Affirmations…take a moment to read your purpose and affirmations.
Exercise…if all you do is 60 seconds of jumping jacks, it will bump up your energy level significantly. Read…even just a few minutes will do so much for you today.
Journal…you are the author of your live…let your story unfold.
Today’s Mantra…add a message to yourself, to inspire you and know your true worth.
Plan My Day…set ups today’s priorities.
You can get this app at

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