You Are About To Enter Heaven

4 months ago

You Are About To Enter Heaven

August 29th, 2024

Beloved Heart Dwellers, The Lord has given us a beautiful message of hope for the times we are in, right now, in this moment. How wonderful You are, Lord, to give us this hope, I pray that you all will accept these timely and beautiful words. What great hope we have, it is amazing, and right now we are seeing the world coming to a conclusion. The Earth has to be cleansed of all the sin, and right now that is beginning. And many of us will be taken up and away in a short amount of time. And for the ones that are left behind, I want them to know about what awaits them in Heaven.

I do not want anyone to be grieving because God is going to do marvelous things to save souls that have withstood Him so far in their lives, He has powerful plans for those who have not accepted Him yet. The Rapture will be the last straw for many, in other words, the very last thing that will cause them resistance, when they see this happen, they are going to know that God is real.

And I want to say this much: We are right on the brink of war right now in the world, we are right at the edge. The armies are poised for action, they have been preparing for quite a while, and they are getting into their final position before they move forward, and the Lord has told us that we will be Raptured after the bombs fall, in the very beginning.

So, we will be here to see some difficult things but soon after that, He is going to take us out. And I pray Lord, please have mercy, and He said to me:

“Yes, I will hear your prayers for mercy. You will be shocked beyond belief that My Father has shown such restraint. It is nothing short of horrendous, and what is about to happen is also horrendous. We let this go further than we ever imagined it would go, but part of the timing is based on the generation coming of age, a generation powerfully endowed to do good or evil, pray for those who are left behind.

“My People, how dearly We love all of you,

”And when He says “We,” He is talking about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

“My People, how dearly We love all of you, yes, even those in rebellion who are serving Satan. This is the appointed time to cleanse the Earth by fire and prepare it for the reign of the new Kingdom, God’s Kingdom. Yes, this is the appointed time, and you are the generation chosen to carry on until My return. The old must be destroyed so that the new world in which I shall reign is prepared to accept Me.

“Do not fret about your dear ones left behind. Have I not said that you and your whole household shall be saved? But some will be saved as going through the furnace of God’s justice. You have so much to look forward to, this is only the beginning. You are going to find fulfillment and restoration as you enter eternity.”

And here I want to make a note that–I thought a lot about death and I thought about things that I did not do that I wanted to do, and the Lord has assured me that everything that is on my plate that I want to do, I am going to get done in Heaven, and without as much blood, sweat and tears, I might add. The graces in Heaven are so thick that even little children can play piano masterpieces. But there-we are all going to have a chance to do the things that we are disappointed that we had not finished on Earth, in Heaven.

You will notice that the picture chosen for this message is a little different, not quite our Franciscan style. Well, when I thought, I was quickened inside to remember the childhood I should have had but did not, because my father left my mother when I was born. I have seen him in Heaven waiting for me, sitting at a piano, and when Jesus brought him to me, in a vision, he said, “I am sorry about the way I handled that marriage, I should not have run away from you. I should have stayed and been there for you.”

Now my father was a photographer and a designer, and when I saw that picture, of the bedroom, it reminded me of a room that was shown to me, was all pink that I should have grown up in, and there was a piano in the room as well. So, it reminds me of what is waiting for me in Heaven. The restoration of a childhood without a father-God restores all things to us. How wonderful are His ways! Ok, so going back to His words:

“You have so much to look forward to, this is only the beginning. You are going to find fulfillment and restoration as you enter eternity. There is absolutely nothing you have desired to see or to do that will not befulfilled in Heaven. Heaven is the fulfillment of all your dreams, every single thing you love will be with you in Heaven.

“Every single skill or activity you have wanted to do you will master in Heaven. There will not be any such thing as boredom, every single day will be like the best Christmas you have ever had. Throughout your life you had many questions about events you wanted to understand, but you were unable to find a satisfactory answer. In Heaven, all knowledge will be given you, and every mystery will be exposed to you. All things will become crystal clear and fit together in a way that you could never fathom on Earth. Every question you have will be answered, and the many mysteries that cling to you from your life on Earth will be answered for you and lift a huge dark cloud of confusion from your shoulders.

“Heaven is a place of supreme happiness. Everyone will know you and your history, and they will love you with a sweetness you cannot comprehend now in your limited understanding. Children, friends, parents, and so many of your acquaintances who you grieved for because you thought they would not make it to Heaven will surprise you with their presence and joy at seeing you. Disagreements, confusion, arguments, misunderstanding, things left unsaid or things that never should have been said, all of these will be immediately resolved because they will be seen for what they were, without the influence of Satan and his demons.

”In other words, what He means by that is you will get to see just how much the demons had an input into situations and you will realize that you were messed with, it should never have happened the way it happened, because the enemy was in there it happened in a bad way and left unresolved questions, and they are all going to be resolved in Heaven, and you will see exactly what the demons did, so you will know your part, there will not be a lot of false guilt anymore. You will realize, ‘wow, I was played by the enemy, and I was weak.’

“You do not know it, and you cannot see it, but right now in this moment, wherever you are, the space you are in is thick with demons and angels. Not only that, but the evil ones are examining you to find an opening so they can exploit, to cause you misery and isolation. Yes, isolation, depression, sadness, confusion, is what they are all about. Their one main job on this Earth is to steal your destiny but you have felt, because of misunderstandings and things you thought and said, that caused a break in your relationship will be immediately healed, and your mutual love for one another will be restored.

“You will also have the opportunity to live with your children and correct the mistakes you made in bringing them up. You need this opportunity to become whole again, every child that you had will be restored to you in the areas you were lacking when they were growing up, it means that your parents will be restored to you the way they should have been towards you on Earth. This means that you will be nourished, treasured, forgiven, and guided by your parents in the proper way to interact with a child.

“So many on this Earth have had abysmal relationships with their parents, or no parents at all. This will be repaired and restored, and you will grow up from the place where you were wounded. You see, in Heaven the structure of time is so different than here on Earth. Everything seems to happen so very quickly, this is merely an illusion, which you will understand when you arrive here.

“When you see those souls who did not make it to Heaven but are undergoing the tortures of Hell, you will understand God’s justice as perfect, you will have no regrets or guilt. All the dynamics of demons will be so clear to you that you will realize what a deception you were living in, what traps you walked into.”

The Lord created this Earth for us to have joy and Satan and his great hatred and jealousy of God set about from the very onset to destroying this paradise and destroying your relationships. That was his one goal, to alienate you from God and take away every gift God ever gave you. How terrible his influence has been!

“But now, you are free from that, and I am going to show you what life is really all about. You have so much to look forward to, beloved ones. Do not grieve over those who have gone on before you, because they are going to be waiting for you. When you come to Heaven, there will be crowds of people gathered together who knew you, coming to welcome you in joyous celebration.“

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