104 - Yasher 82:12-28 & Exodus 32 - Who Is Your God

6 months ago

Forty days after Yehovah gave Israel is 10 commandments they had broken the first two. Today they made a golden calf to be their elohim.

Like Torah 101 (beginner articles for those new to Hebrew roots) and Torah 102 (intermediate articles) which are main topic links designed to organize my writings by creating a sort of filing system on this site. Torah 201 is for those who have a much deeper understanding of Torah and have come to see that we have learned a great many lies.


My goal is always to promote Yehovah's image and kingdom in the earth; and to that end I began my http://weareisrael.org/ website 15 years ago. I have hundreds of articles on a large variety of topics for those who are new to Torah and for those who have studied it for many years. Please visit there now.

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