RNC Chair Shoots Down Trump’s Election Fraud Claims: ‘The President Can Tell Stories’

1 month ago

WHATLEY: “We want to make sure that we have volunteers and attorneys that are there any time votes are being cast or counted.”
MICHAELSON: “Should people trust that their vote is going to be counted fairly in California?”
WHATLEY: “Yeah, and that’s why we want to be here. And the thing about California law is it does allow anybody who is interested in serving in that capacity to go serve in that capacity, which I think is really good.”
MICHAELSON: “Whatley’s comments just days after Dr. Phil aired this interview with former President Trump.”
[Clip starts] ”
Trump: “If Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK? In other words, if we had an honest vote counter.”
[Clip ends] ”
MICHAELSON: “What does that mean?”
WHATLEY: “Well, I think that he feels like California, there are a lot of Republicans and there are a lot of votes here, I think he was probably, you know, a little bit of a stretch.”
MICHAELSON: “Trump lost here by — by close to 5 million votes. Do you have evidence that he actually won this state, that there were 5 million more people that voted for him that weren’t counted?”
MICHAELSON: “So that claim about Jesus is — is —”
WHATLEY: “I — you know, we — we’ll see. You know, I mean, and the president can tell stories at any time. But that’s — look, I think the key is that we want to make the point that it is very important for us to have election security protection in place, that we are going to protect the ballot.”
MICHAELSON: “There is danger, isn’t there, of some people hearing that from the president, thinking they don’t count my vote. It’s not fair. And then they don’t vote. And then you could lose, right?”
WHATLEY: “Well, look, that’s why we set this program up. That’s exactly the conversation that we’re having.”

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