3 Colour review Citadel, Army Painter, Vallejo, SMS and Golden

6 months ago

What is a 3 Colour review?! Well when you put a brand through it's paces by using the primary colours to mix and find out just how quality that brand truly is we use the closest we can get to a Primary Red, Yellow and Blue as well as a Black and White and Finally two skintones

Follow Cal and Sunny on their semi scientific adventure to find out which paints are worth you're hard earned hobby bucks

We hope this video was worth your time because, we put a lot of work into these videos, like too much time... so we hope you like them.

Timestamps ⏱
0:00 Intro
0:36 pre review thoughts
6:53 Method
8:45 The Experiment
11:08 Citadel
118:04 Army Painter
23:52 SMS
31:04 Golden
39:02 Vallejo
47:51 Conclusion
53:04 Outro
53:36 End joke

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The songs we are using are:
Music by Karl Casey / Music by White Bat Audio @WhiteBatAudio

Retrowave / Synthwave - Galaxy

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