Welcome to Patreon

5 months ago

Thanks so much for signing up as a supporter through Patreon.com. I deeply appreciated it. I am keen to work with you to help you achieve your potential as a physical and spiritual athlete.

To begin our journey together, I encourage you to go through the ‘Fighting Fit’ video series that you can access through patreon.com. You can also find these videos, along with other recommended resources, here. I suggest you bookmark this page.
Start with the first video in the ‘Fighting Fit’ series and work your way through to number eight at your own pace. You’ll find the assessment form at the end of the series. though you can download it directly here. Download this, fill it out, and send it to me. This is how we will track your progress.

Your completed forms go to dave@fatherdave.org. I will respond by email, after which we can schedule a phone call or Skpe session as follow-up. My phone number is 61-409-620-009. My Skype ID is fatherdave.

The expectation is that I will be putting more time into those who are giving more financial support. If you’re expecting weekly correspondence as we monitor your progress, and/or you are planning on training with me in person, I would appreciate it if you would opt for one of the higher brackets in your monthly subscription. Having said that, I don’t expect anyone to give what they cannot afford, and I will do my best to support you, whatever level of support you can afford to give in return.

I expect that you’re already receiving my weekly newsletter. If not, sign up via www.fatherdave.org. This will allow me to introduce myself to you properly through the series of media clips that I share with new subscribers. I’ll also be sending you the Flocknote version of my newsletter from now on too (if I'm not already).

Flocknote emails come from mail@flocknote.com. All other emails you receive from me will come via my personal email, dave@fatherdave.org. Please whitelist both email addresses so that my emails don’t get stuck in your spam box. Also, I suggest you store this email away as it has lots of details that you might later need.

Again, thank you for your support. I do hope and pray that I will be able to support you in a meaningful way on your path to ever greater physical and spiritual fitness.

Yours in the Good Fight,

Rev. David B. Smith, B.A. (Hons), B.Th., Dip.A.
Anglican Priest Pro Boxer, 6 degree black belt,
Senior Trainer, Father Dave’s Fight Club
Manager, Binacrombi Boot Camp
Managing Director, Fighting Fathers Ministries
Marrickville Citizen of the Year 1994 & 2009
Nominated Australian of the Year 2004, 2009 & 2017
Guiness World Record “Most Continuous Rounds of Boxing” 2012
Surry Hills first TedX Speaker (2019)
Author of “Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist” (2002)
Author of “Christians and Muslims can be friends” (2020) ======================================

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