⚠️🚨🚨Thousands of houthi fighters are seeking to fight ditectly with US & Israel.

6 months ago

During the war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese army had a fighting style that the US was very afraid of, which was the "stick-to-the-enemy-belt to fight" . A cowardly army like the IDF and the US Army would fail if the Houthis used this fighting style.

هذا لن يكون سهلا. إن إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة تمتلكان تكنولوجيا لا يمكنهما مضاهاتها. إنهم بحاجة إلى الانقسام إلى مجموعات صغيرة وتنفيذ تكتيكات الكر والفر، والتكتيكات السرية مثل تكتيكات القنص وتكتيكات الصدمة والرعب

600,000 #Houthi fighters ready for direct fight with israel.

Thousands of houthi fighters are seeking to fight ditectly with US & Israel. Houthis have already defeated US, israel and their allies in red sea by attacking hundreds of their ships.

They are unstoppable 🔻🇾🇪

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