context first assessment second, that's the correct order

5 months ago

waiting n waiting for the vortex to ask me this question
they don't call it poison but that's what it is
child rape is child rape in rainbow letters
i understand that deviance
women are really good to look at damnit
i always looked at women like a sexist dude
ever since i was a kid, man
my kindergarten teacher was amazing, the rest of em were terrible
i'm super honest which is a liability for any company
the south does not possess this level of curtness
the south is slow n fake for the most part
for those of you that are not congrats
the north is rude n racist
i've met blacks w/ a confederate flag so hushity hush
the victim mentality will convince any narcissist that statements are made always w/ the intention of being hateful
it might not be bigotry, it might just be a fact
was it about gay people tho, i don't think it was
i'd rather be a repressed gay than an obsessed gay
i guess they can't give away what they don't have
so many demands made upon them...could it just be a psych op tho
there are too many notes damnit
so much of this world is a load of crap x3
a lotta the good has been tampered w/ to make it degenerate
back to love is love...finally!
different types of love, this is logical
the psych op is known thru the montra
you don't have to recite these bullshit slogans in order to not mistreat people
science says: cut yer dick off *it feels good

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