Are You Going To Heaven?

5 days ago

You will get a new name if you are under GOD. What will you look like in heaven. Our age doesn't matter. GOD makes us all beautiful. I speak about the Mark of the Beast. Get to know salvation which is in knowing Jesus. Honor GOD and love others. Choose the day in the week best to honor GOD. Jesus came down and will go back up as he is the son of GOD AND OF MAN. He will reign on earth. Bind demons in Jesus and cast them away from those who are bound in evil. Jesus arose and he will descend from the Heavens. All will see him arrive here. Don't let them mess with your blood, as evil people are trying to corrupt our DNA. I tell about my grandfather, his drinking problem, and my dad as his child. Then I speak about what needs to happen for Jesus to reappear. We need to want Jesus to return. I tell about my dream of go to hell and how I got out. I ask you to light a candle, write your prayers, date them, and watch what GOD does for you.

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