Hello?! Is this the most beautfiul Lionel Richie Song?

6 months ago

From the first time I heard this song it was love!

#bonappetit #dunedinflorida #pianistforhire #singerpianist #hello #lionelritchie #cover

Brought to you by the Bon Appetit and me Marc! : )

I sing this too but they just have solo at this awesome venue.

Marc plays and SINGS solo and with many different configurations. Duos, Trios, Whatever is needed.

His wife and friends and other random big fans who throw wild parties say he's the Best pianist/singer in the area! : )

More Links: Linktr.ee/marc_bosserman
For Booking: Marcbosssermanmusic@gmail.com
Instagram: instagram.com/marc_bosserman

An interesting mix of jazz, Classic rock, and pop tunes. The songs are always open to interpretation. Marc plays with the songs and go where they lead or where the audience takes them.

Taking requests and any crowd interactions are a fun part of the game.

The recording was made during a live feed.

Marc moved to the Tampa Bay area from Los Angeles Ca. at the end of 2021 on Thanksgiving...He got to work finding gigs.

By the end of 2022 He had played 450 times.

And then 2023 he racked up and impressive 561 gigs. Surpassing his Los Angeles production.

2024 has been the best year EVER.

One of the hallmarks people bring up a lot is the great energy, the comfortable livingroom vibe. The fun interaction.

If you have a Wedding, CorporateEvent, or a Fun Party Idea that needs to be set free. Let us know!


Tons of other links: https://Linktr.ee/marc_bosserman

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