Armor of God - Part 1 - Who Is The Enemy

6 months ago

0:00 - Intro
0:09 - Joke
0:47 - Pledge of Allegiance
3:27 - Worship
17:06 - Message
1:02:54 - Closing Worship

If you’re a fisherman, you know you need the right kind of bait to catch certain kinds of fish. The Devil uses the same tactics to catch us. He knows how to use your current situation together with your strengths, weaknesses, needs and wants to create the best temptation to draw you away from God.

In order to defend yourself against these attacks, you need to know who the Enemy is, his tactics. He wants to destroy the strongest aspect of your life, because that will do the most damage and defame God. But, he isn’t satisfied with that. He goes after your weaknesses because those things often keep us distracted from serving God. The armor of God gives you the tools through the power of Jesus Christ to counteract his schemes. We must be strong in the Lord, not strong in ourselves.

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