Are You A Good Steward?

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Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

A good steward puts aside their own wants and ambitions in order to show kindness and care for the well-being of those Yahweh God has put under our authority.

10 Qualities of a Good Steward

1 Good stewards recognize their role and responsibility. They don’t wander aimlessly, without a sense of purpose. They take their job as a manager of the mission seriously.
2 Good stewards realize everything belongs to God. They understand that what has been entrusted to them is on loan from the Lord, and hold all things loosely.
3 Good stewards are trustworthy. They are reliable and responsible.
4 Good stewards are faithful. They don’t give up but keep going forward by faith.
5 Good stewards are mindful. They don’t mindlessly scroll social media or eat whatever garbage they want. They don’t waste money on frivolous things or fill their minds with filth from entertainment.
6 Good stewards are truthful. They aren’t deceptive or dishonest.
7 Good stewards are diligent. They are persistent and hardworking.
8 Good stewards are prayerful. They aren’t self-willed but seek the Lord’s guidance and direction in all things.
9 Good stewards are discerning. They are sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and exercise good judgment.
10 Good stewards are proactive. They don’t wait until they feel like doing something.

Learn From Jesus How to Be a Good Steward

Jesus is our example to follow in everything the word instructs us to do. If you want to have these qualities of a good steward evident in your life, then learn from Jesus and live the way He did. Read through the gospels and see the way Jesus managed His ministry.

He didn’t waste time. He didn’t pursue His own will for His life. Jesus always did the will of the Father and invested in the eternal.

Don’t let drama, distractions, or any other devices of the devil draw you away from your God-given purpose. Be a good steward of your time, talent, treasure, temple, and the truth, today!

1 Corinthians 4:1-2 KJV – Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

Ezekiel 33:1-9

Songs by:Jason Scholefield, Patricia Hagemann,Jason Bellard, Keith Green and Benny Hester, used with permission

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