Biblical Audio Commentary – Holier Than Thou Anti-Israel Post-Tribbers

5 months ago

This Commentary was initially intended to focus on those who hold to a post-Tribulation Rapture perspective with their eyes on the world rather than on Jesus and His soon return. I was going to title it The Martha Post-Tribbers and compare how Mary’s sister Martha was anxious, while Mary did the better thing. In the same manner, those who believe true Christians must endure the Tribulation are rightfully anxious about that coming time of horror and neglect of where Jesus commanded us to keep our gaze. What is the better thing? Is it to scramble and prep and try to make the world better through a MAGA approach that cannot happen because the prophetic Word of God will not be breached, or is it to work at advancing God’s kingdom while there is still time? Should we engage in all the necessary arrangements for building sustainable communities and buy as much gold and ammunition as possible so as to prepare to hunker down for seven years, or should we dive deeper into the Word while also trying to pull some from the looming fire?

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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