Article 4987 Video - Good News, Bad News - Thursday, August 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4987 Video - Good News, Bad News - Thursday, August 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The good news is that at least one very important issue has been settled in our favor. The bad news is that we now have to deal with the fall-out of the good news.

It's like the Chinese saying, "Inherit and go bankrupt."

We have a LOT of work to do, no time to do it, and not enough funding.

For my personal part, here in Alaska, I have several things above and beyond the work as Fiduciary to contend with.

1. Storage space for papers and books. It's not good for a woman with a book dust allergy to live in wall to wall, ceiling to floor, books and papers. It isn't good for Jim, either, and he will be coming home this weekend. So this particular "ask" for dry heated storage space has to be answered somehow.

2. My designated car is still in hock. It's in no particular danger but it's time I had my own car back instead of borrowing. I keep thinking that something will break loose, but in the meantime, this is a constant irritation and additional logistical "issue" nobody needs to deal with.

3. We need to organize, organize, organize -- and that means buying office supplies, a new scanner, files, storage boxes, Sharpies, labels, etc., etc.,

4. Winterization for the coming winter. This is the season of the year when we have to take care of things like having the septic system pumped, the insulation checked around each door and window, replace batteries, treat fuel storage tanks, tarp over woodpiles, etc., just like everyone else in the more northerly climate states.

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