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Prophet Julie Green - The FBI as You Know It Is About to Change - Captions
In this prophecy, God warns the FBI and CIA that their corrupt actions will be exposed and justice will be served. The agency's leaders are urged to repent and turn from their wrongdoing, as evidence of their crimes will soon come to light. The prophecy also speaks of a shaking and removal of evil from the nation, and encourages the people to stand firm and trust in God, who will bring down the giants of corruption.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-25-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
1. 2 Kings 6:17 (Elisha prayed “Open his eyes”)
2. 1 John 4:4 (Greater is He)
3. James 4:7 (Resist the devil, and he must flee)
4. Eph. 6:17 (The Word is the sword of the Spirit)
5. John 6:63 (Words are spirit and life)
6. Isa. 54:17 (no weapon formed will prosper)
7. Phil. 4:8 (Fix your mind on these things)
8. Col. 3:2 (Set your minds on the things from above)
9. 2 Cor. 5:7 (Walk by faith and not by sight)
10. Neh. 8:10 (Joy of the Lord is your strength)
11. 1 Sam. 17:47 (The battle is the Lord’s)
12. 1 Tim. 6:12 (good fight of faith)
13. Jer. 1:12 (Faithful to perform His Word)
14. Ps. 75:7 (God is judge over all)
15. Hag. 2:22
16. Ps. 33:8-12
17. Rom. 10:17 (Faith comes by hearing)
18. 1 Cor. 2:9 (No eye ever seen, ear ever hear)
19. Eph. 3:20
20. Job 22:28
21. Ps. 37:7-10
22. Ps. 18:48
23. Rom. 12:1-2
24. Ps. 9:6-9
25. 1 Peter 5:6-9
26. Ps. 47:7 (God is the ruler of all the earth)
27. 2 Chron. 20
28. Luke 8:17, 12:2-3 (Everything hidden will be made known)
29. Num. 13
30. Isa. 49:24-26
31. Ps. 109:26-31
32. Ps. 91:7-8 (1,000 will fall at your side)
33. Deut. 28:7 (The enemy flee will before you)
34. Rom. 8:31 (If God for us, who can be against us)
We serve an amazing and awesome God!
Stand firm. Stay focused. God is greater. God is bigger. And the victory is yours!
God is trustworthy. Have a firm, focused foundation on God.
No matter what weapon the enemy chooses, the enemy always loses.
You can’t be in fear and standing in faith at the same time.
Do not fear because God is here.
Make sure to be prayed up and focused on God.
We don’t need to know “how” God will do something. We only have to trust that He will do what He says.
God is willing and able.
Get into the presence of God every day. Start and end your day with God.
God can be trusted. Be confident in that. Stand firm in that knowledge.
Faith is trusting in God.
Rely on the Hand of God to move on your behalf.
Always and in every situation: BUT GOD!
Names of God:
1. Eloheim
2. Yahweh – Lord and Master
3. El Elyon – the Most High God
4. El Shaddai – the God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
5. Jehovah Jireh – God, your Provider
6. Jehovah Rapha – God, your healer
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, July 25th of 2024 already. It's almost August and what a year we have been in, in this 2024, the year of more. God has been giving us more revelation. God has been giving us more insight, wisdom, knowledge, understanding. He's been giving us more strength. He's been giving us more prophecies.
He's been giving us all these things that are preparing us for what we are dealing with. For this very day, this very hour, we serve an amazing and awesome, awesome God. I tell God all the time how cool he is and how amazing he is because all the things that he's doing in this world today that we are seeing that he said that there was going to happen and they're happening.
And so even though there's chaos and division, even though there's different things and darkness and there's confusion and chaos. God is telling us to stand firm. He's telling us to stay focused. He's telling us that He is greater, that He is bigger, and no matter what we see, we have the victory. The victory that He has guaranteed us, a victory that He's promised us, a victory that He's paid for.
He is El Elyon. He is the most high God. He is El Shaddai. He is the one who nothing is impossible. He is Jehovah Nissi. He is our banner and He is our victory. And so when we're more focused on God and we're more focused on how big He is, how awesome He is, how good He is, how faithful He is, How trustworthy he is, then we won't have to worry about the things that we were saying that are confusing.
They're trying to bring discouragement. They're trying to bring frustration. Because we have that firm focus foundation on our father and how awesome and how big he is. And that he has guaranteed us a victory no matter what we're facing in this world today. We are facing so many things that people are being overwhelmed with and God's been continuously saying on a daily basis Don't fear do not fear because why God is here Do not fear the plans of the enemies because God is bigger do not fear how big they seem now How how many there are in that sign of the enemy because we have more of us Then there is with them.
We have the host of angel armies. And remember what Gehazi was told by Elijah. When God said, Elijah told to Gehazi, Lord, open his eyes. And when the Lord opened his eyes. God allowed Gehazi to see the chariots of fire. If we could see the chariots, if we could see the angel armies, if we could just trust and be aware that they are here, then we would not be afraid, we would not be discouraged, we would not be overwhelmed, because what is with us is greater than what is against us.
And that's why God always tells us on a daily basis, 1 John 4, 4. He gives us that scripture all the time. Why? 1 John 4, 4, the greater one lives on the inside of us and he that's in the world. That's so imperative. And it's so important for each and every one of you to know, no matter what you're facing in your life today, God is bigger and he lives in you.
He's given you the ability in James 4, Resist the devil and he what? He must flee. Our enemy does not have an option. When we are binding, we are rebuking, we're declaring, we're decreeing the word of God and using the word of God as a sword of the spirit, which it is. It is a weapon, and it's formed against our enemy.
And as we're using the word of God, it's not just words. Those words are spirit, those words are life, and those words are destructive to our enemies, to their plans, and to anything that they have formed against us. And that's why God says in his word in Isaiah 54, 17, No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper.
And God said, in so many different prophetic words lately, No matter what weapon they choose, they lose. And so when we're focused on these things, and we're focused on what's above, that good report that God says in his word, then we will not be afraid. That's Philippians 4 and 8. I'm pretty sure I'll look that up later.
I promise you. Well, you know what? Let's just do it now. Cause there's two different scriptures that I want you to get to Philippians 4 and verse 8. These are just a couple of the scriptures of the day of encouragement. You know, my job every day is not only just to give you prophetic words. That's not just my job.
My job is to give you prophetic words and what God is saying for this very day in this very hour and what you need To hear but he also wants me to deliver hope in the midst of hopelessness To give you that encouragement that you need to fight that good fight of faith He also wants me to give revelation in the scriptures so that you know his word And when time comes in that battle, which we know we fight the good fight of faith You will know exactly what scriptures to you and use and when and how to use them because God is giving you this great revelation.
God is strengthening you in this time. And again, many people have grown weary. And the battle has been long. Why is God taking so long? And he said it was perfecting his saints. It's perfecting the body of Christ. And he's strengthening us for this battle. And so when we think it's discouraging, We think it's getting darker and it's overwhelming.
God said for you it's getting brighter and for you, I'm strengthening you and giving you more wisdom and more understanding than you had before. And you'll know exactly how to fight against your enemy. So when your enemy comes at you, you will not give up and lose hope. So Philippians 4 and verse 8. For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and honorable, and seemingly whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there's any virtue, excellence, and there's anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things.
Fix your mind on them. So what are we supposed to fix our mind on, and mind on, and chaos and destruction? What are we supposed to fix our minds on when things are looking darker and more chaotic? What are we supposed to fix our minds on? The word. And what God says in his word and knowing that God is faithful to former's word.
Now also to have you turn to Colossians three, Colossians three in verse two says, and set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things, not on the things that are on the earth. So there's two different scriptures there for you right now. What God needs you to have your mind focused on.
Not what you're seeing, not what's going on, because you know what it says in God's Word, to walk by what? Faith and not by sight. We have to set our minds on Him because when we have that firm focus on God, then we won't grow weary. We won't give up with hopelessness and despair. We won't get weaker. But we will have our minds focused on God.
So our hope will be renewed. Our strength will be strengthened, even greater. And we'll have that joy, that joy of the Lord, which is our strength. We'll have that peace at past understanding. Do you see what God is giving to us? You see why it's so important for us to be together on a daily basis. Not because it's me.
It's because it's God. It's because it's his words is because it's what he wants you to know every single day. That's why the Word is going forth, and prophecy is going forth, like never before. Because we're in war, like never before. And so we had to know how to fight in that battle. But remember, the battle is the Lord's.
So what is our point of fighting? Say, well, the battle is the Lord's, Julie, so why are we fighting in it? We're fighting to keep our faith. That's why, fight the good fight of faith. You're fighting to keep your trust in God. That is what you're fighting. You're not fighting the enemy, as you suppose. God does that, but you are standing and fighting that good fight of faith, knowing that God's word works and knowing that he's faithful to perform his word.
And he is more than capable of destroying the enemies that you face on a daily basis. So that is what I want to give out to you this morning, just for a little words of encouragement. And I want to get to this prophecy. Now I'm going to remind you right now, and then also later on during this live show, I will be flying tomorrow.
So I will not be live with you. We will be doing a live show It'll be the rebroadcast of his glory and take five So if you did not see it yesterday, you will see it tomorrow morning at 6 30 We will have the live chat going the moderator moderators will be here and you'll be able to see What pastor dave and I had talked about and the prophecies are being fulfilled and what God is doing and what to prepare for Other things That are to come so i'll be flying tomorrow.
All right, so I will not be able to be live with you But monday morning, even though i'm going to be out of town and I usually don't do this, but God is shifting things for me I'm going to be live with you on monday morning All right Something is happening. That the lord really wants me to start being on Even when i'm gone at times, I will not be on every day next week But I will be on when I can all right, and if i'm not on we will still have a live show I know that there's the testimony of mine that people have been asking for so we will be broadcasting that because people wanting to know the testimony testimony where i've been You And where God has me now so and how I got there so we will be broadcasting that for you next week.
All right, so just be watching every day Will be a live show next week. I will be live on certain days and certain days. It will be Broadcast from other shows. All right, so again, and I will be on with pastor dave next week, even though i'm gonna be gone The Lord really wants me to be on that live show still of what is to come.
Now the Lord said something to me this morning that I also want to get it very clear. He gave me an actually another word this morning. I have plenty of them to give out to you in this coming week or so. But one of the things he said was we're at the calm. Before the storm we have seen a lot of storms, that have hit But this is like kind of like the calm before the storm and that's why he even said yesterday Do not let your guard down and yes prophecy is still being fulfilled all the time I want to show you something before I get to this prophetic word.
I think is extremely important for you to see hold on. Let me share my screen. Remember guys been talking about chaos in the streets and disruptions and He said the enemies are turning against themselves. I want to show you this
This is from the last couple days. I think this was what actually from yesterday. Let me look at it this is from washington dc and there was protests everywhere and I will go slower with some of these pictures I promised you scenes from DC of the protests and clashes as Netanyahu spoke to congress. Now, look at this.
This is Palestinian protest. From Washington DC and they were also which was so Disgusting and I'm glad that there were people trying to stop this protest because people can have their opinions, but they cannot get violent like this and what they did was look at this they're burning Images of Benjamin now who that is violence and all of them should be arrested for them who did it And then of course they were look at this.
They're vandalizing now This is the replica Of the statue of liberty God also said the statue of liberty would be in the news for a shocking or significant reason I don't remember which one but he did talk about that they would be the the statue of liberty would be in your news for a reason about look at this They literally destroyed This and then look at all of this whatever statue that was or whatever monument that was they just just put stuff all Over it.
It was disgusting what these people have done, of course There's again. I know that some are arrested, but they were burning our American flag They're burning our American flag on our soil. This is people who were allowed in our country with these open borders Which, God said, they are cells. They are terrorist cells that were brought here for a reason.
These are not just normal, sad people coming out. Some people are coming here for safety and freedom. Majority of this, this was paid protest. Where are they getting all these signs? Where are they getting all these shirts? Where are they getting all this stuff? You know that this is a setup. Look, that's part of the remnant of our flag that was burned.
Now, God said even our flag was going to be in the news for a significant reason. They're burning our flag and then right, right next to it was the Israeli flag. So, here's another one. Here's a video of it. Burning our flag. And these were, these people were allowed in our country by the administration that you see before you right now.
This is disgusting and then they also burned something with benjamin nittanyahu supposed to be like a statue of benjamin nittanyahu This is stuff that God has been warning us about that chaos was going to be in our streets He warned us of these things because he said they were going to try to do these things So what do we do?
We don't get violent back not like that What we do is we pray and we fight the good fight of faith now I want to show you those things because it's like that righteous indignation That is should be rising up on the inside of each and every one of you These people are here and then there's something else that I got.
I don't know if I can show this or not
Here. Okay. Remember how they did it on? Put this back up on here. Do you remember how? On january 6th of the "insurrection", And they arrested people and people are still arrested today These people were there was an insurrection inside of our capital. This is over just the last couple days You These people got inside our Capitol building, and our taxpayer dollars are paying for these people to be here, and their housing, and their food, and all.
Look at, look at these signs. Where did they get this stuff? This is all planned. Our enemies want chaos. And so God has been preparing us. For this chaos guys been preparing us for these things. This is only a minuscule or a drop in the bucket. You would say of what they truly, truly want. That's why I said watch pastor dave and I's live show that I will be putting live tomorrow for you If you missed it because it's really important They are doing more things.
This is just the beginning of what they have planned against this country and that's the reason why we have to be prayed up. We have to be strengthened We have to have our focus on God. We have to be aware of these things now again This is this go look in go to our website at jgm international. org and you can see All the chaos in the street prophecies that God has given to us.
You can see the prophecy about the Statue of Liberty. You can see the prophecy about the American flag, or the flag. So, again, not American flag, because there was also the Israeli flag that was burned. So God was saying, there's a, I think it was like, gonna be a significant, there's a flag gonna be in the news for a significant reason.
Anyway, I got I'm gonna keep going because again, there's there's so much that I have to get it on to today You guys can look these things up and I know on the prophecies fulfill page on Telegram we are doing prophecy fulfilled fulfilled videos as fast as we possibly can to get them out to you I'm telling you I have people that are working Very diligently on getting prophecies putting them together for the people who are editing and making these videos for us So just bear with us.
I wish we could get them out faster hopefully soon we will be all right because prophecies are being fulfilled on a daily basis now this is the prophecy. I'm gonna give to you today This is gonna be out of order because there's other prophecies before this but the Lord really wanted me to get this one specifically out today. I do them in the order that God wants me to do them in.
It's not necessarily the, the date of the order. Sometimes they're, they're out of order for a specific reason. Okay. So this is from yesterday. I have ones before that, that I'll be giving out. I think next week. So we'll see again, how long I'll be on next week or every day. I'm not really sure. So next Friday, I know I won't be on because I'll be flying back home again, but I will be on for sure on Monday with you.
Okay. Monday, same time. All right. Now here is this prophecy for today. The FBI, As You Know, It Is About To Change. Now, as you can see, there has been a lot of things and a lot of prophecies regarding the FBI and this is a more detailed in this prophecy about what the Lord is saying that we are about to see. A woe to those in the FBI and the CIA in the swamp of DC! You can run but you cannot hide. You think you are above the law because you believe you *are* the law that you *control* the law, but you don't! You have embedded yourselves in every form of this government to get away with the crimes against this nation and the American people.
Well, you can't get away from me, and I Am justice, and justice will be served, whether you want to believe that or not. The FBI, truth is coming for you. And a great fall has begun because of the party, the part you have played against my son. You think the heat will be off of you and this nation will be satisfied with Kimberly's resignation.
But you thought wrong! Proof is coming of your connection to this plot with the Secret Service director and the White House, along with the establishment. Cries will be heard throughout this land to dissolve your agency and to clean it out with the *murderous traitors*. I've infiltrated your agency and many men and women *are willing* to *expose* this agency and all the crimes they have been committing along with the ones you covered up for the establishment, for the Bidens, for the Obamas, for the Clintons, and the list goes on....
But this is my time to shine the light on you for the world to see what you have been up to. Great exposures are coming and great removals. are about to be seen.
The heat is about to be turned up on you and many in your agency will make more mistakes to cover up their tracks and cover up more crimes quicker now because *your fingerprints are everywhere* on these crime scenes. And I'll be the one to bring my hammer down. And I will judge you along with all you have worked with, ever so closely.
With this agency, or sorry, I will judge you along with all who have worked ever so closely with this agency. To the leaders of the FBI, you have made your choice to turn from me and the truth, and it's now time for you to shake like never before. Many will turn on each other to save themselves. Even some of the establishment will turn on you to hide themselves and other crimes they have committed with the CIA and the White House.
But none of you against me are safe from judgment, and judgment is here, and judgment is clear, sayeth the lord of hosts.
Bobulinski... this name will be in your news for a shocking reason; evidence that was suppressed and hidden from the public will soon come out and people will shout in outrage and anger how this could have been kept from the American people by a government that is supposed to protect them from the ones that they are actually protecting. All evidence that was supposed suppressed is about to come out like a flood.
Hardwired... this word will be in your news for a significant reason. The bureaucrats in Washington are about to have a lot to answer for on both sides. Wolves are being separated and masks unveiled. Great shock is coming to this nation. Hold on, my children, in the Land of My Eagle. A violent shaking is coming to get rid of the evil
that deeply embedded itself in your country. Enough is enough of business as usual and criminals being able to continue to commit these heinous crimes. No more! I Am at the door and judgment is here and justice *will* be served! Shout my children for justice in this land. Fight harder. Now stand stronger.
_Your giants _*_are_*_ coming down_, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Now we have a choice to make in this time. We have a choice to have that firm focus on God, focus on His Word, and Him saying that the giants in this country and all around the world, they *are* coming down. There is no giant that's bigger than God.
There is no form of business There's no form of corruption. There is no form of an army against God. That's bigger than God. They're not smarter than God and they will not ever outsmart him. They will never get away with their plans fully that they want to get away with. God said in his words that what?
He is a judge over all of this earth. He's not judge over part of it. He's the judge over all the earth and you can find that in Psalm 75, verse seven. Why is it so important to know that God is a judge over all the earth? Because you have governments unruly robe out of con, out of control trades, and as traitors of your nations and of your laws that they don't care about justice and they don't care about upholding the law.
Because just like it said in the beginning of this prophetic word, they think they are the law and they control the law. But that is not true. God is the judge. You have unruly judges. You have judges that will not rule for our Constitution. You have judges that suppress very important information and evidence For the crime families in this government So what we have to do is we have to realize that God does it remember what he says in haggai chapter 2 In verse 22, which he said yesterday that I gave out the scripture But I also want to give out more Haggai chapter 2 in verse 22 and it says and I will in the distant future Overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms and I will destroy the sultanate You know the unGodly nations and I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them and the horses and their riders shall come Down and every one by the sword of his brother That does not sound like God is gonna say everyone can just get away with everything They want to do if you also look in Psalm 33 Which he has us go over a lot because again faith comes by hearing and knowing And hearing by the word of God.
So if you know what God is saying, what he will do, then you're not going to be frightened when you see the enemies doing something that it looks like they're going to get away with.
Psalm 33
verse eight, let all the earth fear their Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Verse nine for he spoke and it was done and he commanded and it stood fast. Verse 10 the Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing. That's what we need to be declaring. And accreeing every day.
He brings a council of the nations to nothing. He brings a global government the great reset their AI All of their corruption and all of their agencies and everything that was designed against God God is saying he's bringing them to nothing that does not sound like God is going to let them get away with anything It looks like they have And then it goes on to say he makes the plans of the people of no effect.
So you know he's been warning us about the plans that they have against us. At a very powerful word this morning about what they are going to do against us. But God keeps and continuously says no fear if we're in fear and if we're in Panic, then we are not going to be able to stand and fight that good fight of faith And then we're gonna lose hope When we should it because God is the one who gave us that hope and God is the one who paid that high price for our victory I'm gonna read that again.
Psalm 33 verse 10. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. He makes the plans of the people of no effect. Verse 11. The counsel of the Lord stands forever. It's not the counsel of the enemy. It's the counsel of the Lord stands forever. Verse 12. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people he's chosen as his own inheritance.
We are a chosen generation. And we are going to see what no eye has ever seen, and no ear has ever heard, what God's about to do. It also says in God's Word in Ephesians 3, 20, that He does exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ask or think. We see that scripture in Job chapter 22 and verse 28, when it says, When you decree a thing, it shall be established.
God is giving you on a daily basis, through these prophetic words and revelation knowledge, He's giving you things to decree on a daily basis. Go to Psalm 37,
verse 7, Psalm 37 and verse 7. Be still and rest in the Lord, wait for Him, and patiently lean yourself upon Him. Fret not yourself because of Him who prospers in His ways, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. Now, that is a strong, strong scripture. Patiently lean yourself upon Him, upon God.
Then He's telling you directly after that, Fear not! Yourself because of him who prospers in his way because of man who brings wicked devices to pass a lot of people Are getting and growing weary because of the wicked people and the wicked devices that they brought to pass But God's saying fear not don't be afraid God's got it and God's bigger verse 8 and look what he says Vengeance is not ours.
We're not supposed to get revenge Vengeance is God's and that's why he says directly right here in verse 8 Seize from anger and forsake wrath. Fear not yourselves. It tends only to do evil doings. So God's saying, don't sit there and try to do things yourself. Let go. Let God. Verse nine, for the evil doer shall be cut off.
But those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth. Verse 10. This is very significant to what we need to believe and stand on right now. For yet a little while and the evil doers will be no more. For yet in a little while, the evildoers will be no more. Though you look with care where they used to be, they will not be found.
God has been talking about overthrowing or overturning of the tables. He's been talking about the overthrowing of governments. He's been talking about great removals. He's been talking about a political reset. He's been telling us that where they are now They will not stay there and how it's going to get to that point It's going to violently and it's not supposed to be something that again people say.
Oh my gosh, julie What's going to happen if it starts to violently shake? What are we supposed to be in for? You're in for your enemy's defeat. That's what you're in for. You're going to watch what God is going to do You God is preparing your hearts, so when you see it looks like the world is in lockdown, or the world is staying stand and still, and it looks like our freedoms are being taken away, and it kind of looks like a deja vu of what happened with COVID, but they may not use a virus, they may use war and something else.
God talked to us about blackouts. He talked to us about internet. He's talked to us about all these things. There are prophecies that he'll get more into about it. But again, this is nothing that we're supposed to fear. Nothing. Say, Julie, if we're locked in our houses or if this happens or this happens, why shouldn't we fear?
Because God warned you about it. Before, when we were locked up, we didn't have a heads up. Most people didn't have any clue in the world. I never thought in the world, no way on earth, what we saw with COVID would ever happen. There are times, like the first week or so, I'm like, dude, this is like a movie.
It's like, somehow, it's scenes of a movie. It was so hard to believe what we were experiencing and what we were seeing. Now God's telling you look I'm telling you so you don't fear this time and you don't comply to a lie That your enemies are gonna do everything they can to stop what's about to happen upon this earth That's an overthrow of their reset Now, of course, they're gonna try again later on because you'll see in the book of Revelation you see in the great tribulation They're gonna try again They're gonna go hide in their caves for a while Because God's glory is gonna be seen and God's glory is going to destroy the power of the evil now Is there still gonna be evil on this earth?
Yes, of course Until the thousand year reign, there will be evil upon this earth. But it will not overwhelm or overthrow the power of the body of Christ. That's different. This is part of that great awakening. Remember God said everything that can be shaken will be and so we are being shaken loose from our enemies And that's why he says it might be well He said it will be violent for them not for us and so when he's warning us about these things and we're seeing these things again all these things that have come to pass just Just think how the world and our country has changed in the last what 12 days 13 days Just think of how much has changed Anyway, prophecies have come to pass in that short period of time and people are wondering how is God gonna do it?
I don't know. We don't, we don't need to know. We just need to know that God is saying, look, I'm warning you beforehand. So when things start become abnormal and he's talking about food shortages that I'll get to, Next week, he talked about things that are going to happen on a grander scale. But he also wants us to fully trust in him and what he is able to do and not only what God is able to do but what God is willing to do.
Psalm 37 verse 12, the wicked plot against the uncompromisingly righteous, the upright and right standing with God. They gnash at them with their teeth. The Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. Has his hands tied going. I don't know what to do right now God is laughing because he sees the defeat of the enemies coming.
And so that is what we are supposed to be Doing as well. Also turn to
Psalm 18 verse 48 psalm 18 verse 48 who delivers me from my enemies Yes, you lift me up above those Who rise up against me? God lifts us up above those who rise up against me say julie. Why are you repeating these scriptures? God is having me repeat these scriptures because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word romans 10 17 in order for you to have your mind renewed Which talks about that in Romans 2.
To have your mind renewed with the Word of God, you have to get in the Word of God all the time. Sometimes you're going to read a scripture 500, 600, 700 times. So there's, God's Word is inexhaustible. You will always learn something about a scripture. Don't go, well I heard that, let's learn something new.
You can learn something new every day regarding the same scripture. God's Word is inexhaustible. He's teaching you. That his word is spirit and his word is life. And he's teaching you something every day. He can give you wisdom, knowledge, understanding that you didn't have a day before. That's why faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.
You need more faith. You have, you need more word in your life. Psalm nine and verse six, the enemies have been cut off and have vanished in everlasting ruin. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities. And the very memory of them has perished and vanished. So again, God does something about the enemy.
No matter if our enemy wants to mock, they want to laugh. They want to sit there and, you know, get angry. God will always do something about what they're doing to us. Verse eight, he will judge the world in rightness and right in equity. He will minister justice to the people in uprightness. Verse nine, the Lord will also be a refuge and a high tower for the oppressed.
Refuge and stronghold in times of trouble and high cost destitute of desperation. So God is our refuge. He's our fortress So when you start to see things happen God is telling you you trust in me I Am the one who will protect you trust that God will protect you No matter what weapon your enemies use and they choose they will lose no matter what weapon the enemies choose They will lose get that deep in your heart You That it doesn't matter what they throw at us, they will lose.
And also, read 1 Peter,
5 start with verse 6. Therefore humble yourselves, demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation, under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you. So, we have to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, realizing that our problems, Are not for us to fix they're too big for us to fix But they're not too big for God If you give those cares which it says in verse 7 here casting the whole of your care All of your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him For he cares for you affectionately and he cares about you watchfully a lot of people have been overloaded with cares in their life And especially when they see the nations and uprising and you see all the stuff that all this chaos that is going on all over The world you're seeing these things and people are petrified You And they're worrying day to day what's gonna happen tomorrow.
Don't worry about tomorrow. God's got tomorrow. God's got today. God's got every day. If you put it in God's hands, He will give you rest. That's why it is so important for you and I to get into the presence of God every day. He has me go up to bed early at night. For an hour to hour and a half and just pray and spend time with him before I go to sleep Of course, I get up really early in the morning to spend time with him again before I get on here It's so important to start and end your day With God
verse 8 first peter chapter 5 verse 8 be well balanced temperate sober of mind be diligent and cautious at all times For the enemy, For the enemy of yours the devil roams around like a lion Roaring in fierce hunger seeking someone to seize upon a devourer If you are petrified if you are afraid if you have cares if you have worries And if you won't give those to God, he can he can try to pounce on you, but don't get in fear Well, I have been in fear and I have been in worry.
Let it go and let God be confident That God can be trusted with the things of in your life that you need fixed or the things in our nations You That we need fixed. Only God can fix it. Verse 9, Withstand him, be firm in faith, be firm in faith, be firm in your trust in him. There are so many people coming out against people of faith.
I don't even know how. I don't even get it. We're supposed to have faith in God. I don't know how many times Jesus even said that. Have the God kind of faith, or have faith in God. Have faith, have faith, have faith. O ye of little faith. Or you have no faith. He always mentioned faith. But then you have the body of Christ are tearing each other apart because of the preaching of faith.
What is faith? Trusting in God. Well, I tried, it didn't work. Well, it does work. Don't give up. Because there's a lot of times people are walking in faith and they give up right before a breakthrough. And that's exactly what your enemy wanted. And so he doesn't want you to believe in faith. Faith is just trusting in God's ability to get you out of everything that you see that's against you.
Or faith in God that he will perform his work, that you can trust him above all else. Faith equals trust. Of course your enemy wants you to not trust God. But we're gonna trust God. withstanding him be firm in faith against his, against his onset, rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined, knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood, the whole body of Christians throughout this world.
Rely on that. Now, this is a note that I have in my Bible. Rely on the hand of God to move on your behalf. Rely on the hand of God to move on your behalf. God will do it. He's promised it. Trust in God. Now, I want to go back over this prophetic word again.
Now, some of the things that we've seen are extremely exciting. Oh, yeah. I have so much fun watching prophecies fulfilled because what God's doing. Bye. When we start seeing more of these things happen, yes, it's fun to see what God is doing, but there's going to be some things that are not going to be appear to be fun.
So again, the FBI, as you know, it is about to change. Now I'm going to say this again. I'm not against the FBI. I'm against what they have been doing. There are a lot of good men and women in the FBI. God bless them and protect them. God give them strength because the leaders of it, which is part of the establishment, the bureaucrats, They have tried to destroy why the FBI was formed and for it to begin with they've been deeply rooted in all the agencies It's like they've been deeply rooted in our government.
And so this is what he's talking about. He's removing the ones against God God's removing the ones against him. First paragraph. Woe to those in the FBI, the CIA, and the swamp of DC. You can run, but you can't hide. You think you are above the law because you believe you are the law, that you control the law, but you don't.
We just read the scriptures where God says he cuts the enemies off. I've also given you the scriptures about how God is, he's a ruler of all the earth. His kingdom rules over the earth. So the laws that God puts in place on the earth, no matter what our enemies try to do, they can't stop those laws. They can try and manipulate them.
They can try to deceive people out of them, but they can't stop it. God is the ruler over this earth. He's the creator. He's El Elyon. He's the Mosai God. And so, he's El Shaddai. He's the one who created El Shaddai. Or, sorry Elo I will get this right. God is the one who created this earth. Elohim, I'm going to go back and hold on a second,
because there's many different names of God. So Elohim, you can find Elohim in Genesis. He created. Elohim created. Then you have Yahweh or Lord. Yahweh. Or lord is promise a proper name of God. It means lord and master He's the Master of this earth. So he created and he's the master l elyon He's the most high God.
So he's the most high so no one is bigger than him So that also el shaddai He's the one you've seen in genesis 17 when he first talked to abraham and he could corrected abraham Because Abraham was trying to do things on his own. That's why he had Ishmael. God didn't speak to Abraham for 13 years.
Spoke to him. When he introduced himself as El Shaddai, the God whom nothing is impossible, that was a correction. God wants us to know him and these names. That's why I've given you many different times. There are many different people who've written books about the names of God. Is that I have Marilyn Hankey's book, it's an amazing book, and I have studied it, and I love it.
It's so important to know the names of God and not just God, of who God is as God. We need to know him as his names because each one of his names are specifically important. I think there's even a, there's a song out there that Team and I have actually used before, and we actually used it this week.
It's like seven or eight minutes long and it just goes through all the names of God and the meanings of the names of God It's really powerful really powerful. Very anointed you have Jehovah Jireh. He's your provider. We need providing for us in our country We need providing for us in our own lives. God is a provider.
God is Jehovah Rapha. He's your healer It's so important for you to right now for you to know the names of Almighty God Because we are dealing with things That are gonna look impossible and that's when you say okay lord, this is impossible, but you're all should I you're the lord God almighty There's nothing impossible for you So as we see the corruption come down as we see these violent shakings I know that there's nothing impossible to you or for you So I thank you father God in these impossible situations.
You are gonna show up that's having faith or trust in God That's the difference in our attitudes when we're fighting That's like it says in second chronicles 20 when I showed you that go read it again You 2 Chronicles 20, how they fought was praising and worshiping and knowing God of who he was and what he was going to do for them.
They had to encourage themselves. That's why you're supposed to encourage yourself in who God really is. Okay, now, now he's talking again, he's talking to the, to the FBI again. He says, you have embedded yourselves in every form of this government to get away with your crimes against this nation and the American people.
Well, you can't get away from me and I Am justice and justice will be served whether you want to believe that or not. He's talking to the swamp, he's talking to the CIA, he's talking to the FBI, he's talking to the establishment. Cause they're all part of the establishment. There's just different parts of the establishment.
So this is a part of the establishment he's talking about. This is a paragraph he's saying, the FBI agency. He's saying truth is coming for you and a great fall has begun because of the part you played against my son. Now they played parts in many different things. This is just something that's going to make their fall faster because of what the part they played in that.
You think the key will be off of you and this nation will be satisfied with Kimberly's resignation, but you thought wrong. So they thought again, they have fall people. You have the, the, the shooter, what we think is a shooter. The shooter didn't even have a scope on that rifle. They didn't have a scope on it.
I was just shooting the other day. I like to do that. Yes. Do you guys know something about me? I like to shoot. I love, I like that. It's fun. But without having a scope and you're shooting, even from close range and you're shooting in a, you know, just like that, that was actually on the rifle itself. I actually was shooting a World War II gun.
It was really cool. It was a really cool rifle. And it was hard without a normal like scope on it. And so this guy supposedly, who isn't that, that, that great of a shot, apparently. Did not have a scope on it, but had great aim. He didn't get that lucky. And just like I showed you earlier this week, where he got on and said his name, and he said, I hate Republicans, I hate Trump, and you've got the wrong guy.
Because he knows he was the distraction. He probably thought he was going to be saved from that, and he didn't. And he wasn't. He was a fall guy. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald. There always is a fall guy. There always is somebody they're going to set up to distract. So what God is saying right here is that you think the heat will be off of this, of you, and this nation will be satisfied with Kimberly's resignation.
Who is Kimberly? Kimberly Sheetal, and she just resigned from the head, the director of the Secret Service.
So you think about that, Okay, now you have the shooter, and now you have the Secret Service Director. They both, you know, they're both taken care of, so the heat's off. That's not what God's saying at all. He says, Proof is coming of your connection to the plot with the Secret Service Director and the White House along with the establishment.
Cries will be heard throughout this land to dissolve your agency and clean it out with its murderous traitors. So God talked about Christopher Wray bringing him down. He talked about Majorca's bringing him down. That was all the same prophecy as Sheetal and Sheetal was first. All right. Hold on. Chris is sending me something.
I have to see what it says.
Oh Thomas Crooks had on here July 13th. Watch this space. Lee Harvey Oswald is my hero. You've got to be kidding. Wow. Apparently Lee Harvey Oswald was his hero. All right, then. So again, it makes so much sense. They wiped out this guy's profile pretty much on every single social media platform, but there was things that people got before they wiped it out So there remember what God said even before?
I I mentioned this yesterday when I was on with pastor dave God mentioned a crime scene That their fingerprints will be all over this crime scene. And then a few days later, there was a, one of the biggest crime scenes in the, in, of our nation's history, assassination attempt of our rightful president.
So God is saying he's got it all. And he keeps saying that he has it all. He's got what he's got all the proof guys, the alpha, the omega, he's beginning of the end. He has people in every single one of these agencies and every single one of the establishment, all of this, because he knew the plots, plans, and schemes that we're going to have.
And when they're going to try to pull off. And he says, I have infiltrated your agency. He's still talking to the FBI here. And many men and women are willing to expose this agency and all the crimes they have been committing. So the agency has been committing these crimes. And then he says, along with the ones you've covered up for the establishment.
And then he names the people. The Bidens. The Obamas. The Clintons. And the list goes on. You know, Pelosi and all of them. And you know, and there's been people throughout our nation's history. He said, God said it goes back for like over a hundred years.
It even goes back to what they did with Abraham Lincoln. There's there was establishment back then people didn't realize but this is a time to shine the light my light on You for the world to see what you have been up to great exposures are coming and great removals are going to be seen Now remember what he says in his warning keeps reminding us of this of Luke chapter 8 and Luke chapter 12 Everything hidden will be made known So no matter how deep and dark secrets are no matter how good they try to hide it Or deeply try to bury it doesn't matter the heat is about to be turned up on you And many in your agency will make more mistakes to cover their tracks and cover up more crimes quicker now Because your fingerprints now he says that word again Your fingerprints are everywhere on these crimes and I will be the one to bring my hammer down I will judge you along with all who worked ever so closely with this agency Now, again, is the agency itself, why it was founded, bad?
No. It wasn't founded, I don't think, for the wrong reason. But it's turned into that. I believe these agencies were really supposed to, they were designed to protect the American people. But you have an establishment that got so deeply rooted, That changed the foundation of why these agencies were actually made originally.
The leaders of the FBI, you have made your choice to turn from me and the truth, and it's now time for you to shake like never before. Many will turn on each other to save themselves. Now, listen, he says, so many in that agency are going to turn on themselves. Then he says, even some of the establishment were turn on you.
Well, you saw with Kimberly Sheetal, the establishment turn on her. They let her go. They again, they thought by, OK, she's a fall person. Who cares? Let's get rid of her. That the heat will be off of us. And then they'll stop trying to come after us. And so trying to figure out what happened on that day. Well, that's not true because American people are not stupid and we're going to find out what happened.
And we're never going to give up on fighting. And that's even like what President Trump did that day. Fight, fight, fight. He wants us to fight. God wants us to fight. God wants us never to surrender. He wants truth to prevail. So he doesn't want us to compromise. Then he says even some of the establishment will turn on you to hide themselves in other crimes they have committed.
With the CIA and the White House. So you're going to start seeing some people turn on the FBI. And the establishment allow it because they're trying to save themselves from the even deeper problem, which is the CIA and the White House. And so God, there is a prophecy that I, that I just had received this morning, and he's gonna give that out, I think, maybe on Monday.
And that even goes in more detail about them. But none of you against me are safe from judgment, and judgment is here, and it will be clear, say the Lord of Hosts. So again, not everybody. Just look at the Secret Service. It's not everybody. And now we're finding out, even with President Trump's shooting, that, that attempted assassination, that some of those people weren't even Secret Service.
They were D. A. S. agents, and that's the reason why they were, like, panicked. Because they weren't prepared for that. It was a set up. People know it. And God's going to get down to the bottom of it and he's going to show it. What happened now? He's using the word or the name Bob Alinsky again. Now, let me look that up.
That was Bob Alinsky. I think he wasn't he with Hunter, like he was a business partner or something. Tony Bob Alinsky, yeah, ex Hunter Biden business partner. Now, he came out right before, he came out right before the 2020 election. He tried to expose what Hunter Biden and the Bidens were up to, but what he was saying and doing was suppressed. Some of the stuff came out, Some people talked about it, but majority of it, especially the lamestream media hid what he, and I don't remember exactly, I don't know if he hid, it was a laptop he came out against, you guys would probably know.
He had a lot of stuff that he had to proof of Hunter and the Biden. And of course they hid it. So his name is gonna be brought up again because the stuff he was trying to get out to the American people and the evidence that he had was suppressed from the American people. And guess who took it? If I remember right, you guys can tell me.
If I remember right, wasn't it, he gave some of the information to the FBI and they held on to it? I'm looking. You guys can, you guys can tell me because you guys are smart. I know he, yeah, he was a whistleblower. But didn't he give his, the evidence to the FBI?
Yes. Okay. That's what I thought.
Okay. So you guys know a lot of this stuff. Alright. Now, yeah, he gave this stuff to the FBI. Okay. So Bobulinski, now, he again, guys not come out and say anything bad about him, it was about what he was coming out to say and do and the information he was going to re release and how it was suppressed. And the FBI didn't do anything with it.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I couldn't remember. I thought it was the FBI. Okay. Bob Alinsky, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Evidence that was suppressed and hidden from the public will soon come out and people will shout in outrage and anger how this could have been kept from the American people by a government that's supposed to protect them from the ones They are protecting.
So you're going to start seeing, remember, this came out before the election of 2020. And we all know that President Trump had infiltrators in his camp, in the government. You had people in the CIA against him, you had people in the FBI against him, you had people in the Pentagon against him, you had people in everywhere against him.
You had people in his own cabinet that was against him. These type of things were suppressed. And God's saying right here, That people are going to be angry because they're supposed to protect them, the government's supposed to protect them from the ones that are, they are protecting. So we're supposed to be protected from foreign and domestic enemies, but we weren't even protected by our, from our own government.
So it says all evidence that was supposed, suppressed is a, about to come out like a flood. All evidence that was suppressed is going to come out like a flood.
And people are saying, you know, about laptops and stuff. Yeah, laptops. God's not done with laptops. He's mentioned laptops before. Yeah, he's gonna keep bringing that stuff out. Hard wired. This word will be in your news for a significant reason. Hard wired. All one word. This will be in your news for a significant reason.
The bureaucrats in Washington are about to have a lot to answer for on both sides. Wolves are being separated and masks unveiled. Great shock is coming to this nation. So again, it keeps talking about unmasking because there's people on both sides Literally wearing masks and then others are not they're just figuratively when they look like they're on one side But they're really on another so he's going to unveil these type of things He says hold on my children in the land of my eagle a violent shaking is coming to get rid of the evil Evil that's deeply embedded itself in your country.
Enough is enough of business as usual. Criminals are being able to, sorry, and criminals being able to continue to commit these heinous crimes. No more. I'm at the door. Judgment is here and justice will be served. Shout, my children, for justice in this land. Fight harder now. Stand stronger. Your Giants are coming down.
Say it with the Lord your Redeemer. Giants are coming down. What Giants? All the Giants. All of the tech Giants. All of these bureaucrats. All of these agencies, all these people that have been deeply rooted and embedded in our nation, they are all coming down. And so the giants that have been trying to control this country, they did not belong in these places of power.
Remember, they've been stealing elections for a very, very long time. They've been deeply rooted in our government for a very long time in many different ways. We just didn't know it. They were controlling us. Those are the giants in the land. Go read Numbers chapter 13. I've given this example out many times, but people just think because people are bigger than us, then we have to give up.
And that's not what God is saying. They are giants, but God is saying they're not bigger than Him. So we have to keep marching forward, we have to keep standing, we have to keep fighting, and we have to keep holding that line that God keeps talking to us about, that's fighting the good fight. That's what we're supposed to do it.
So, before I get going here, I do have a little bit of time left and I will take a couple questions that you guys have. I know there's a lot of questions you guys have for me. I will take a couple of questions before I get get going. And cause I, again, I have to get ready for Julie, please read Isaiah 49.
Isaiah 49. Okay. I
think it was 20
Isaiah, what Thank you.
49. 24 to 26
shall the pray be taken from the mighty or the lawful captives of just be delivered verse 25. For thus as the Lord, even the captives of the the mighty will be taken away and the prayer of the terror will be delivered for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will give safely to your children and ease them.
Verse 26 I will make those who oppress you consume themselves in mutiny and destructive wars That's eating their own flesh and they will be drunk like their own They would be drunk with their own blood as with sweat wine and with all sweet wine and with all flesh We'll know and knowledge and grounded in personal experience that I the lord am your saver and your redeemer the mighty one Yeah, they're gonna turn on themselves God has been talking about that for a very long time.
We're already starting to see just the beginning of ramifications of them turning on themselves, but it's going to grow even greater. You have black lives matter even coming out against Kamala Harris yesterday, and they're demanding that they want to be able to vote the democratic the, the democratic nominee.
They don't want their vote taken from them and the democratic party should not have had their vote taken from them They have a right to vote the person that they want and they choose these are elections They're not selections, but the enemy wants them to be selections. So, again That's what they're trying to do right now, but they will destroy themselves just like it says in second chronicles 20 What version am I reading from the classic amplified?
Yeah, psalm 109. Yeah, we'll read that psalm 109
This is david psalm 109 is really good. I I love I love all the psalms really
So verse 26 Help me. Oh lord my God and save me according into your mercy and loving kindness Verse 27, that they may know that this is your hand, that you, Lord, have done it. We're going to know that the Lord God has done it. It can't just be a man. The Lord God is going to do it. He said, verse 28, let them curse be to you you bless when adversaries arise, let them be put to shame, let their, let your servant rejoice.
Verse 29, let my adversaries be closed with shame and dishonor and let them cover themselves with their own disgrace and confusion as with a rod. With a robe. Verse 30. I will give you praise and thanks to the Lord with my mouth. Yes, I will praise and according to the multitude. Verse 31. For he will stand at the right hand of the poor and needy to save them from those who condemn his life.
This is what David was crying out to God to save him from his enemies. And God saved David from his enemies. No matter what enemy it was, no matter how big the army was, God saved him from the enemies. They keep stealing the vote. Hold on a minute. I just lost it.
They keep stealing the vote and some are starting to understand. Yes, they are. They have been stealing the vote. They've been stealing the vote for a long time. That's the reason why they've also brought 20 million people in this country illegally. 20 million. That's massive. Why are they doing that to steal the vote?
But we have to remember we don't need an election to save this country. We need God. God is the one that saves our nation. He says, you don't need an election. You need a political reset. You don't need selecting of certain people. Because you have a deep rooted swamp and that's the reason why God says we need him We have to look to him because no matter how much they try to steal.
The election it won't matter.
I'm trying to go through this slowly julie You said that biden would fall on his own sword was that when he said time to put trump in a bullseye? That was part of it He said if he fought by his own sword because the words that have come out of his mouth and the things that he's decided To do to be defiant against God You That's how you fall by his own sword, and you gotta think this for a minute.
What happened with George Stephanopoulos? He was a fine God. He had a medical emergency that night that they tried to hide. He's had another medical emergency after that they tried to hide. They said it was COVID, and when it really wasn't, it was something totally worse than that. So we even said that he had a stroke.
So when you're defying God, that's how he's falling by his own sword because he's doing things in defiance of God, doing things against God. And that's when you run in to trouble. But that was, so when he said, when Biden said on, I think it was July, like the July 8th or something, when he said that the bullseye was on Trump's back, that was the key to have this.
Coup happen or this attempted assassination on President Trump. That was a key phrase or key word guys want to get into that and more prophecies that are going to come up That they're going to use key words in our government that is going to start the activation Of terrorist cells
we would like to know if illegals will vote They are trying to make it legal for them
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